
MightyBobX Quotage

My history of quotes, because the damn profile is too short

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Consider this bit of wisdom, brought to you by porn spam:
I steamy, He so soggy there important broken r she curved on tent The belly dance it horse are shiny their is s he molecule. The company, gingerbread man on motherboard a time u, she bulky l or radioactive half c. And n, Is without or eye their l, she after I ours? On while, The stabbing are burning a guitar w it loser is your it ;) writing a or the need p? The get, She aboard because is wire a lonely I brothers there back I on expert d a bank? There egg, slippery a a and coffee mug x he seven is while. It tape player, And their down she tail a I rank he theirs morning? scrawny, I molecule cheap hers there you n. On bony, Are air there beneath The use.

posted by Cha  # 9:53 PM (0) comments

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Hey everyone; i have a new email, though i won't be using it: 3.14159265358979323846264338327@gmail.com
it's simply there for posterity.

posted by Cha  # 10:28 PM (0) comments

Monday, April 26, 2004

Hehe, with a diff set of answers i got:

Scowling wilfully towards Autobot City, you're Megatron!

Look in a mirror and feel the evil. Then eat the mirror. You eat mirrors for breakfast. You are a badass death robot. You busted on Optimus Prime. You. Are. Megatron. Go outside and burn some animals, because you're worth it.

Declare your pre-Galvatron-ness with the following non-heat-sensitive emblem:Megatron!
Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

posted by Cha  # 11:39 PM (0) comments
i'm the sonic 2 final boss; good ol' doctor robotnik

posted by Cha  # 11:36 PM (0) comments
BookInfo::BookInfo(const string& ln, const string& fn, const string& tit)
last_name = ln;
first_name = fn;
title = tit;
next = NULL;
Hehe. Tit.

posted by Cha  # 4:10 PM (0) comments

Sunday, April 25, 2004

MightyBobX: i think i'm just not good enough to take on a task of such phallic proportions

posted by Cha  # 5:22 PM (0) comments
"It was a true HONOR to have him on stage with us, and it made the night something I'll always cherish! Squeeze it until it explodes!!! YES!!!" -Andrew WK

Oh, and here's an old gem:
"If I were to wake up and find myself covered in tuna... I would surely kill." -Thayer

posted by Cha  # 11:12 AM (0) comments

Wednesday, April 21, 2004


posted by Cha  # 10:47 PM (0) comments

Thursday, April 15, 2004

MightyBobX: fuzzy actually chastised me for not telling him how awesome kill bill was immediately after we saw it
DvsGrimReaper713: good - MightyBobX: goad - DvsGrimReaper713: toad - MightyBobX: tad - DvsGrimReaper713: lad - MightyBobX: lard - DvsGrimReaper713: hard - MightyBobX: shard - DvsGrimReaper713: shark - MightyBobX: spark - DvsGrimReaper713: spank - MightyBobX: tank - DvsGrimReaper713: rank - MightyBobX: bank - DvsGrimReaper713: bark - MightyBobX: brak
DvsGrimReaper713: NOOOO
DvsGrimReaper713: YOU DIRTY HOEBAG

posted by Cha  # 10:55 PM (0) comments
At the end of a male enhancement drug advertisement: "Warning: in the unlikely event that an erection lasts for more than four hours, immediately consult your physician"

posted by Cha  # 10:45 PM (0) comments
Alden's site has preserved many a funny quote that I had long forgotten. So... I'll throw those in here.

"There's evil on the rise! Yeast devil, back to the oven that baked you!"
- The Tick, (1, 05) The Tick vs. the Breadmaster

"Poor Yorik, I HAVE KNOWN HIM, Hoooratio!"
- Hamlet, Hamlet
"Aye, you are a fishmonger"
- Hamlet, Hamlet
"I am dead, Horatio!"
- Hamlet, Hamlet
"Out vile jelley! <stabs out eyes>"
- Duke of Cornwall, King Lear
"Have you eyes!?"
- Hamlet, Hamlet
"Alack, I have no eyes"
- Glouchester, King Lear

"One of [the sailors] found [the girl] washing near the mooring and lay with her, making such love to her as women in their frailty are confused by, even the best of them."
- The Odyssey
"Haha, now i know how to say 'fucked her brains out' in greek verse"
- Chad Hansen (refering to the above quote)

"Hmm, they won't last long after our wolf riders have ensnared them!"
-Hellscream, Warcraft III
"Fear mortals... doom has come to this world."
- Archimonde Warcraft III
"Demon-spawned wretches... you will all die!"
- Cenarius Warcraft III
"Not even death can save you from me"
- Diablo Diablo II
"Idle hands spend time at the genitals."
- Ol' Drippy, Aqua Teen Hunger Force (07, 1, 06) - Ol' Drippy

posted by Cha  # 10:17 PM (0) comments
"A shark on whiskey is mighty risky; a shark on beer is a beer-engineer" -Space Ghost, Old Kentucky Shark

posted by Cha  # 12:03 AM (0) comments

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

During a talk on vector spaces and bases, my professor said, in his upbeat chinese voice, "For, if you were from the moon... why, you would be wonderful."

posted by Cha  # 11:15 PM (0) comments

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

goldenpants78: i'd be angrier if your imagery weren't so...phallic

posted by Cha  # 10:17 PM (0) comments

Monday, April 12, 2004

MightyBobX: wtf? when ar eyou letting pat in?

posted by Cha  # 5:06 PM (0) comments
TheDarkImpLord: <just finished episode about mob boss getting in trouble for giving head>
TheDarkImpLord: it's a respect thing
MightyBobX: hehe
MightyBobX: eat that!

posted by Cha  # 1:03 AM (0) comments
MightyBobX: dad: "haha, stupid movie; THEY NEVER COVER THEIR BOOBS IN THE MORNING"

posted by Cha  # 12:51 AM (0) comments

Sunday, April 11, 2004

Weird Al's parents died. Suck.
Had a good weekend at the house con Sara. Houses are big when there aren't families living in them. And cats are cool.
Flurb. <-- sound of mild, friend related anxiety

Edit: Al's parents died of carbon monoxide poisoning; the flue was closed on the fireplace.

posted by Cha  # 11:25 PM (0) comments
TheDarkImpLord: speaking of which - i need to buy snatch
MightyBobX: kinky

posted by Cha  # 3:32 PM (0) comments
TheDarkImpLord: if you were queer, you might act differently
TheDarkImpLord: but you're not... are you?
MightyBobX: ask your girlfriend... she'll tell you i'm not!!!

posted by Cha  # 3:24 PM (0) comments

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Hehe, i've decided the the child of a white person and an asian person will be called a "caucazn".

"Man, that's so classy it ought to have its own member functions"

Anyway, update on this quarter for y'all. Latin 3, no surprises; fun enough, but in the end gay because it won't help me and it's a stupid GE. PIC10B, nothign special; more C++ so i might eventually have some sort of marketable skill. Linear Algebra, upper-division mode! Extremely happy and excited japanese guy teaching it, and we have NUDEL (pronounced "hehe... noodle") as the TA again; we'll see if she wears a bra this quarter. Last, and without yeast, is our honors mathematics seminar. It's taught by a japanese guy who doesn't speak enough english to order at mcDonald's, and is teaching on a topic that has several upper division prerequisites, even though none were listed when we signed up for the class. There are no tests, hw, or finals; our grade is determined only by our 2 presentations in class, in which we teach one or two sections from teh book, only a few pages long. But neither sara nor I know the notation nor the concepts; we thought maybe we could bs our way through it, but after seeing someone present their topic and actually know wtf he was saying, we are dropping the class. Hopefully I'll find something incredibley easy to fill the gap, but I doubt it; so either i'll fill it up and be pretty strained this quarter (since i spend my afternoons curiously occupied instead of hwing), or i'll let it go and have things pretty sleazy. Prolly the second, so at least i'll get mad A's. Hehe, read more Orson Scott Card Enderverse books.

posted by Cha  # 11:11 PM (0) comments

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

goldenpants78: nor do i hear things from her room, in fact, the only way i know she's fucking her boyfriend is my wireless network connection goes out
MightyBobX: haha, why does that happen?
goldenpants78: because the cord that powers it is precariously positioned adjacent to the springboard of her bed

DvsGrimReaper713: haha
DvsGrimReaper713: poor ben

posted by Cha  # 11:54 PM (0) comments

Sunday, April 04, 2004

"Tiffany - I Think We're Alone Now" is one hot song. Sexy hot. And getting to be home with Fuzzy for the week has reminded me of how much I love Daria. And Orson Scott Card is a god; Bean + Petra = <3 !!!!!!!!!!!!

posted by Cha  # 1:17 AM (0) comments

Friday, April 02, 2004

We were playing Pictionary, fuzzy was trying to get me to say treehouse, so he drew a tree, and the first thing i thought of was "Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil!"

posted by Cha  # 8:07 PM (0) comments

Thursday, April 01, 2004

http://students.washington.edu/jenzee/hitlermelon.gif , courtesy of alden

posted by Cha  # 12:22 AM (0) comments


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