MightyBobX Quotage
My history of quotes, because the damn profile is too short
Friday, May 28, 2004
Courtesy of Ben:
"Three statisticians go out hunting together. After a while they spot a solitary rabbit. The first statistician takes aim and overshoots. The second aims and undershoots. The third shouts out "We got him!"
He's teaching her arithmetic,
He said it was his mission,
He kissed her once, he kissed her twice
and said, "Now that's addition."
As he added smack by smack
In silent satisfaction,
She sweetly gave the kisses back
and said, "Now that's subtraction."
Then he kissed her, she kissed him,
Without an explanation,
And both together smiled and said,
"That's multiplication."
Then Dad appeared upon the scene and
Made a quick decision.
He kicked that kid three blocks away
And said, "That's long division!"
Thursday, May 27, 2004
Yay; Sara won a $100 gift certificate. Troy was a funny/entertaining movie. Certain friends of mine who shall for now remain unnammed need to learn to reject the arbitrary. And... stuff.
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Nice article concerning virtual economies.
Sunday, May 23, 2004
Mrs. Feinstein:
Mrs. Boxer:
and Mr. Waxman (one ugly mother-fucker):
Bitch away.
So, in summary, congress is secretly trying to reinstate the draft. Hehe, they've even signed an agreement with Canada so people can't run to there. Higher education doesn't keep you safe, either. So be sure to do the little "enter your zip code" thing to complain via that method. I'm gonna post mailing info for the senators and stuff in a little bit. That way we can conveniently remind our senators and representative that
our lives aren't
theirs to play with. I don't know what their standings are on the issue, so be sure to say "if you're against it, kudos to you. if not, here's why you're such a dick..."
MightyBobX: much nipples, ass, and shaved pubic regions were had by all
Saturday, May 22, 2004
"Somebody has made a name that's not just monetary but a cultural icon." - Chuck Palahniuk, author of "Fight Club", on www.suicidegirls.com
Hehe, i'm such a bastard. I've been listening to "Justin Timberlake - Cry Me a River" for a day straight now. I'm pretty sure my love of things i hate is a sickness that will never go away.
Lessee... went to another formal with sara. Again, the mixed feelings about it, but i was a little more mentally prepared this time, so I could more readily identify the pros/cons. Final analysis: the dancing is kinda fun, making fun of the songs is fun, listening to the songs is slightly bad (they eventually fade into the backgroud, which mitigates the pain), and getting to dress up is good. So... I guess i'm fairly indifferent to the whole affair, so if my partner wishes to attend, I'm good, but I won't be insisting on anything.
Didn't get the job at play-it-again sports. My kind of friendliness is the professional "hi, can i help you?", get them what they need, otherwise do my business sort of friendliness, while the kind they were looking for was <attempts to be fair about this> engage the customer in small talk and chitchat and don't leave their side until they've left the store kind of friendliness, which is obviously not my specialty. So, courtesy of fuzzy, a big fat FUUUUUUUUUCK YOUUUUUUUUUUU.
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Haha, i received an email (with attachment) from "8989.mta13.adelphia.net@ email.com" with the subject line "trust me"
Tuesday, May 11, 2004
BizarroMBX: hehe, are there any rules in hockey about how much of the goal you can block
AIRMCMONKY: not that I know of
BizarroMBX: hehe, they should find some giant person and have him occupy the whole net
AIRMCMONKY: are there any rules about whales being goalies?
BizarroMBX: "of course we can hire him! it does'nt say HUMAN national hockey league, now does it?"
BizarroMBX: hehe, what a horrible thing it would be. various large mammals and fish being hired for 20 million dollars to occupy large portions of the playing field
AIRMCMONKY: then when the whales are disciminated against, they will start the Large Aquatic Mammal National Hockey League
BizarroMBX: haha, the players pushing the whales around in the locker room, stealing their stuff, writing specist insults on their lockers
Monday, May 10, 2004
Sunday, May 09, 2004
Van Helsing-
It's all summarized by one scene: robo-frankenstein flies through the window of ice-castle dracula and does a flying kick into the vampire girl who's fighting van helsing's boyfriend because girlfriend was trying to steal dracula's cure to being a werewolf so that she can cure van helsing after he kills dracula as a werewolf
DemonWeasel42: robo-frankenstein? he can fly? sweet
MightyBobX: well, he was swinging around on a rope from teh top of the castle because he was just freed by wolf-helsing because dracula was using the monster's secret of life to raise all his vampire children
a couple other fairly representative scenes of van helsing: the opening scene, which consists of the villiagers going to burn down victor's castle because he and dracula were teaming up to create the monster, but victor is betrayed by igor (who has the exact same makeup as an orc from LOTR) because dracula paid him off. and a later one, where helsing is going to trade the monster to dracula at dracula's masquerade ball in exchange for his girlfriend; so van helsing hides the monster ina crypt and goes "no one will find him there... except the undead!" and as he walks away fingers start pushing open the crypts
Saturday, May 08, 2004
allbladeofgrass: yes, but then you LURE me into a false sense of hope!
tallbladeofgrass: thinking food is upon us
MightyBobX: oh god! the food! it's attacking! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
MightyBobX: "sir, incoming message! we're barely picking it up" "put it through!" "'<bzzt, bzzzzzt> sir... we need <bzzzzzzt> reinforce-<bzzzzzzt> the food is <bzzzzzt> don't know how<bzzzzzzt>longer<bzzzt> we can hold out... oh my god, <bzzt>die you<bzzzt> aaaaaaah<bzzzzzt>'. it ends there sir."
Friday, May 07, 2004
Haha, andrew wk rocks: "Dear Whitney, This is definitely a quandry. Like a piece of quartz lost in a quarry."
Wednesday, May 05, 2004
Sailing, sailing, jumping over railings!
Drinking, drinking, till the ship is sinking!
Gambling, stealing, lots of sex appealing!
Come, let us sing the sailor song!
So if we all come together, we know what to do
we all come together just to sing we love you!
So if we all come together, we know what to do
we call come together just for you!
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
"A shark on whiskey is mighty risky; a shark on beer, is a
beer-engineer" -Space Ghost, "Kentucky Nightmare"
Monday, May 03, 2004
Blue Beary Gold: i am in powell library and this girls is chewing on a jawbreaker
<some time later>
Blue Beary Gold: <sigh> the jawbreaker girl has swallowed
MightyBobX: i love it when they do that
Blue Beary Gold: im sure you do
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