MightyBobX Quotage
My history of quotes, because the damn profile is too short
Sunday, February 27, 2005
I was reminded of Total Annihilation today, the game with the best storyline of any RTS. I say best becaus all other ones... are stupid. They try to be good, but they suck and you couldn't possibly care about the plot during the missions. TA circumvents all that by having the premise "robots beating the shit out of each other for all eternity", delineated by the only exposition in the game:
"What began as a conflict over the transfer of consciousness from flesh to machine escalated into a war which has decimated a million worlds. The Core and the Arm have all but exhausted the resources of a galaxy in their struggle for domination. Both sides now crippled beyond repair, the remnants of their armies continue to battle on ravaged planets, their hatred fueled by over 4000 years of total war. This is a battle to the death; for each side, the only acceptable outcome is the complete elimination of the other."
Saturday, February 26, 2005
I've been subject to a series of unfortunate events, and I'm one lemony snicket away from capitulating; but no,
i am not gay
Thursday, February 24, 2005
Hehe, Dove has a new shampoo advertisemetn: it has wilma from the flintstones talking about how wonderful it's been for her hair, and she ends it with "Now that's what i call a yabba-dabba-do"
Oh. And i got published in the bruin again. It was a criticism of some dumbass's anti-globalization article. Standard capitalism stuff.
So yeah. been hanging out with the LOGIC crew here. they is pretty cool.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
My roommate Wesley's friend was telling us about a date with some stupid girl. The girl said "I thought condoms just prevented pregnancy, not diseases", and Wes was like "god, you should have gut-punched her, right in the baby-maker; 'i'll show you how to not have babies'"
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Girls need to stay in shape:
Hehe, weird al song "Don't Wear Those Shoes" has the line "stomp the poodle 'till it's flat"
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
A personal fantasy of mine was fulfilled tonight: I got to see a British guy get a red card for yelling "bollocks!"
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Fucked up again. Michelle and I broke up. Don't ask, nothing to say.
MightyBobX: are you looking for food to eat, or are you the food to be eaten?
MightyBobX: or both?
MightyBobX: or neither?
MightyBobX: or some linear combination of the two?
FOOD2EET: its a conundrum that has plagued man for an eternity, and it shall continue to do so...forever...
MightyBobX: <solved it using partial fractions>
FOOD2EET: damn...well...my existence is meaningless...(shoots self)
Saturday, February 12, 2005
GAH. show on history channel praising the farming abilities of leaf-cutter ants and saying they rival the farming accomplishments of humans. THEY ARE NOTHING TO RESPECT, AND THEY DON'T DO ANYTHING HUMANS CAN'T DO MILLIONS OF TIMES BETTER. THEY'RE STUPID INSECTS THAT ARE NO MORE INGENIOUS THAN A FUCKING ROCK.
hehe, told this story to someone:
MightyBobX: we have a friend steve who's as tall as thayer, but a bit beefier. steve was meeting some girl out in camarillo and he told us about his plans
MightyBobX: so we were driving around trying to find the place they were gonna meet and surprise them by... we didn't know
MightyBobX: but were gonna be there
MightyBobX: we couldn't find it though, so we pulled over at a gas station to ask directions to the park they were gonna meet at
MightyBobX: it was like 9, so pretty dark and the gas station was kind of shady
MightyBobX: there's some weird people hanging out on the side of the gas station, looked like kids, a little younger, but big enough we didn't want them to mess withus
MightyBobX: they kinda muttered stuff as thayer walked by, and when we got back into the car, they piled into their own
MightyBobX: as we were driving around, they were definitely following us, though at a good distance
MightyBobX: eventually we found the park, but didn't really wanna get out cuz we figured the guys following us might be trouble
MightyBobX: we drove around a couple times, and one of the times they pulled into the park. we weren't quite sure what to do; we called steve's phone, but at first he didn't answer, then we just got some weird sounds
MightyBobX: we eventually decided to go to the park anyway, and we found steve and some friends there
MightyBobX: we told them about what happened at the gas station, and they're like "really? i think we might know those guys... what did their car look like?"
MightyBobX: we described it to them, and they're like "really? like... this one!" and unlocked their car... it'd been them all along
Tuesday, February 08, 2005
this is an awesome theorem: "Assume A(t) is a real n x n matrix with bounded entries. Then solutions of x' = A(t)x exist
for all time"
the immortal uniqueness theorem:
there can be only one! <lightning>
goldenpants78: oh well, if that's what rand said, then let it be so, chad, let it be so. i don't ever recall rand writing a book about art. oh wait. she did write a book about art. and it implied aesthetic opinions about derivative art.
MightyBobX: hehe, does the first half of that belittle citing rand as authority, and the second half reference her as authority?
MightyBobX: i'm not sure quite where the sarcasm ends
or even if it does!
goldenpants78: it's more of a "use your god against you" type of thing
goldenpants78: it's just supposed to be biting
MightyBobX: "meaning, no; merit, no; scathing:
Blue Beary Gold: have you discussed having sex with your parents recently?
MightyBobX: no, i've never really considered having sex with my parents. interesting proposition though
Blue Beary Gold: you're a pain in my ass
Monday, February 07, 2005
Hehe, from some
fake essay:
"Walt Whitman believed that the only good Chinaman was a dead Chinaman, so he went to Tiananmen Square and gave them all candy. Except instead of candy he killed them."
Saturday, February 05, 2005
MightyBobX: i'm dling the walkmen
AIRMCMONKY: wow, didn't think you'd do it
MightyBobX: why not? remember that
i'm not a homo who hates everything particular friends do simply because they like them
AIRMCMONKY: yeah, but you're still a homo
MightyBobX: hehe
MightyBobX: for reasons linearly independent of those mentioned above
Hehe, my favorite suggestions from the planned parenthood site about what a girl should say to a guy who doesn't want to use a condom:
If Your Partner Says: Rubbers aren't romantic.
You Can Say: Making love and protecting each other's health sounds romantic enough to me. (sounds like something hank hill would say)
If Your Partner Says: Let's face it. Making love with a rubber on is like taking a shower with a raincoat on.
You Can Say: Well, doing it without a rubber is playing Russian roulette
If Your Partner Says: I don't stay hard when I put on a condom.
You Can Say: I can do something about that. (wink wink)
If Your Partner Says: But I love you.
You Can Say: Then you'll help me protect myself. (!)
Friday, February 04, 2005
See? Hippies
can't be
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
DemonWeasel42: no. math doesn't get me hard. if anything it makes me flaccid
MightyBobX: homo
DemonWeasel42: I had a big hardon this morning til I went to math class
DemonWeasel42: now I've got like 10 girls here begging for me to do them and I cant
MightyBobX: "my pants were stretching at the seams all the way to class, but as soon as i walked in that door...
nothing. my pants went straight to the ground, because in the presence of my raging hardon, i didn't have the need for a belt"
Ugh... i can't hide it anymore. eigenvectors get me hard. finding eigenvalues, creating eigenchains, computing exponential matrices...
that is what true love is about
Hollywood Actor Beck Bristow's page:
"The village chieftain, upon seeing my boardwork on the fabled reef, arranged a massive feast in celebration. We sat cross-legged around the fire, gorging ourselves on roasted wild piglets, grilled pineapples, and breadfruit tortes as cinnamon-skinned native girls danced among us. The firelight played on their bodies as they gyrated wildly to a rhythm as old as time itself. Though the local rum made my head spin, the lovely women pressed more and more upon me. Their dance, their skin, their flowery perfume all combined to engorge my loins. Oh, yes…many virgins were sacrificed that night. On the altar of my pelvis."
TheDarkImpLord: what kind of friend are you?
MightyBobX: the kind who puts roaches in your shoes at night
TheDarkImpLord: fortunately for me, i'm the kind of friend who swaps shoes with you at night
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
If only "Radiohead - 2+2=5" were instead titled "2+2=1"; then thom yorke would sure feel stupid when i told him, "Ha! We're in Z3! 2+2 DOES =1!!!!"
This book should be titled "Cooking with Sea Men" and have a pirate chef on the cover.
I realized i got the shaft last friday. Thursday, I spent 2 hours helping out the poster company on campus, intending to collect my posters on friday. but it rained, so they didn't show. graaawr!
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