MightyBobX Quotage
My history of quotes, because the damn profile is too short
Saturday, April 30, 2005
DvsGrimReaper713: and that men who take meth commonly take it up the ass immediately afterwards
MightyBobX: oh noes!
MightyBobX: i'll have to have already filled my ass with anti-mans beforehand!
DvsGrimReaper713: not good enough
DvsGrimReaper713: meth has counter-anti-mans-ass-invaders
DvsGrimReaper713: did you go to the beach thing?
MightyBobX: no, cuz i'm doing this work stuff
DvsGrimReaper713: gay
MightyBobX: well, i
am currently being penetrated by another man
DvsGrimReaper713: in the mouth =-O?
MightyBobX: for starters
MightyBobX: it's because i wanted to tax him, really; we have a "no taxation without penetration" policy
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Hehe, michelle had a dream where she was visiting disneyland. but disneyland was in malibu, and it was on an island, and there was a magic bridge with no supports connecting it to the mainland, and it was actually a fortress, and for some reason she got left behind there in the disney-fortress boarding school, and at that boarding school instead of lunch they drank alcohol, so everyone was always drunk. now
that's the happiest place on earth
had a great logic meeting, and pat came, so all is well. oh, and i've decided that, circumstances permitting, i am willing to experiment (rationally) with drugs, for empirical purposes.
also, pat and i were talking in front of ucla after the meeting, and some guys came up and were like "hey, would either of you take an english test for us? this guy needs an english test, we'll give you $200". i replied no pretty automatically, but now that i think about it, i should have at least inquired as to what they were up to. <needs to try more random things>
Sunday, April 24, 2005
yay for science, boo for stupid people
Friday, April 22, 2005
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
ben: "well, i have to admit that you do seem far more intelligent than the average chatbot"
bot: "interesting. why do you have to do it?"
ben: "because i love passive sentences"
bot: "interesting. what do you love about them?"
ben: "the fact that you don't understand them"
bot: "i probably don't"
ben: "nope"
bot: "take it easy. i guess not"
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
japanified movie posters:
fight crubpretty woman
Sunday, April 17, 2005
"The Zombies - Time of the Season" is an oldy some of you may know; i know this lyric isn't really strange nowadays, but it's pretty funny hearing this song in the 60's go "what's your name (what's your name) who's your daddy (who's your daddy)". i suppose it's made funnier by the fact that he's actually asking who her father is, and he goes on to ask if he's rich or something like that.
<successfully installed xp> took a while though. my hard drive situation was kind of weird before, because my raid array and big hd never quite got along. i tried to just upgrade to xp, without formatting, but things weren't working and it looked like cuz the hd's were acting funny. so i ditched the raid array and reformatted them. i tried installing to the 60gb one, but something weird happened and i may or may not have lost the drive 4eva (i spent about 2 hours on a format, where it was trying to recover individual allocation units, and it still wasn't useable afterwards), but i'll deal with that later. switched to the 80gb one, and eventually got everything going. so got xp up, and decided to hook up my big hd to get all my install files (i disconnected it during the process because i did not want to accidentally mess with it in any way), but xp didn't recognize it. after some poking around, i figured that even though i had my raid stuff turned off, maybe the raid drivers needed to be installed for it to even use those IDE slots, and indeed it was the case.
sniff, i miss planetside. nothing cooler than that level of tactical first person realism.
<has been listening to the radio, may make habit of it>
Saturday, April 16, 2005
"I'm gooooing uuuunder, drowning in youuuuu!"
<installs xp, wish me luck; if i'm not online, youk now why>
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
a cool newspaper received some hatemail, and responded with "we too appreciate the fine art and subtle science of the shift+f7", and i've been asking people what it meant. jon came through: shift+f7 brings up the thesaurus in Word, so they were ridiculing the writer's excessive use of synonyms.
-long day. left at 8am, got back at 9pm.
-perhaps i was too harsh on decemberists; they're alright.
-hehe, there's this (i think reebok) commerical with some basketball dude dribbling through all these ninjas and whatnot, and then he slam dunks and he's like "you didn't even touch me", then all his clothes fall off (as though he'd barely dodged their swords and beams and whatnot). it'd totally be better if it were like the guy in resident evil, who got killed by the laser grid; the basketball guy makes his dunk,then lands, and we see him slowly fall into slabs of meat.
-the UC service workers are staging a one-day strike tomorrow (it's not actually the whole day, just noon till evening); i'm joining the strike-protest, and we have cool signs like "UC should fire strikers", <picture of donald trump> "you're fired!", "you're only worth as much as the cost of your replacement", etc. it will both piss them off and carry a good message! wish us safety
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
walkmen are pretty cool. decemberists are much less cool; they don't bug me, but they're really bland and uninteresting. also added since last time i mentioned what i listen to: nighwish, calla, the natural history, coldplay, b-52’s, pixies. also the kylie songs that have sexy videos, because... the songs make me think of the videos and are moderately catchy themselves.
Monday, April 11, 2005
overstock.com's phonenumber is "800-the-big-o"
Sunday, April 10, 2005
K, i was much more excited about this earlier, but as the weeks have gone on, this has seemed more like a chore. so i'm just gonna give you the skinny. spring break, went to mammoth with the family and snowboarded, went to vegas with family and michelle for kip's wedding, had first week of school, thayer visited cuz he had to testify against the mexican he punched, went to catalina with michelle and her mom + mom's bf. feel free to inquire if you have any specific questions. i gotta get to bed, plan to have a busy week ahead.
Friday, April 08, 2005
<hasn't posted in a long time> but i mean to. though i've forgotten a lot of the little funny things i wanted to post about, so it's just gonna end up being lame story stuff. so shove it. <goes to catalina>
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