
MightyBobX Quotage

My history of quotes, because the damn profile is too short

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

i have decided it is impossible to pan-fry a steak more than 1/2 inch thick

posted by Cha  # 8:24 PM (0) comments
this is the best thign evar: http://www.math.northwestern.edu/~matt/kleinfour/media/finite.wmv

and ben found the sexiest diablo monster ever: Pulse Tongue the Quick

posted by Cha  # 9:38 AM (0) comments

Monday, May 23, 2005

hehe, alden pointed out this article to me. think of the ramifications for the movie industry if they hyper-active this region in animals: no more having to animate fictitious sassy animals; you could just wire them up and have a sarcastic cat or dog! you could engineer whole breeds of animals that do nothing but do the animal version of "pfft, yeah, right" at you! it'd be a utopia

posted by Cha  # 6:53 PM (0) comments

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Courtes of ben, courtesy of chithra:

There once was a lady, Ilene,
Who lived on distilled kerosene,
But she started absorbin'
A new hydrocarbon
and since then she'd never benzene

There was a young fellow named Cole
Who ventured too near a black hole.
His dv by dt
Was quite wondrous to see
But now all that's left is his soul.

posted by Cha  # 7:52 AM (0) comments

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

I was gonna type up a big huge thing about my trip to texas, but it's a lot of writing and i'm a busy guy. so suffice to say, in salt lake city (where we made a stop over) there's a brand of beer called "Polygamy Porter", and the t-shirts feature a picture of a guy with several naked women hanging off of him, with the phrases "because one isn't enough" and "take some home to the wives!" printed on it. And texas is very, very cool.

posted by Cha  # 10:33 PM (0) comments

Thursday, May 12, 2005

in austin for the weekend. back sunday night.

posted by Cha  # 11:58 PM (0) comments

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

as you all know, matrices get me off. fast. but in my combinatorics class i've learned about generating functions, a very computable way to do many counting problems, and those get me off even more thean matrices. but something has topped even those: 2-3-4 trees, a sort of binary tree that automatically stays balanced. they're freaking brilliant, and i love them quite possibly more than the integral of love from one to infinity; and that's a lot of love

posted by Cha  # 9:59 PM (0) comments

Monday, May 09, 2005

goldenpants78: "Is your breakfast quite satisfactory, Lord Vader?" she asked.
It was not, but we shall let her next of kin worry about that.

posted by Cha  # 6:02 PM (0) comments

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

saw casablanca and citizen kane in my film class. citizen kane was stupid, just some weird pretentious art movie about a lame guy. casablanca was cool though. not best movie ever, but cool. i didn't realize so many of the famous old movie lines were all from that movie.

posted by Cha  # 10:00 PM (0) comments

Sunday, May 01, 2005

alright, i've recieved a "drugs, eh?" from just about everyone, so here we go.
i am not saying i'm planningon becoming a druggie, nor finding drugs on the street to experiment with, nor asking people i trust to provide them for me that i may experiment; i'm just saying that there is no valid principle for unilaterally declaring experimenting with drugs to be immoral.
now, there may indeed be drugs that are unsafe to try even once, and there are legal consequences to being in possession of and using such things; all of these are factors to be considered. however, there are certainly circumstances wehre it is safe to use such things, and so for the purposes of knowing what it's like, should those cirumstances arise, i would not be opposed to trying things out. this does not mean that if i decide i like them i will continue to do so; i tried smoking, and whether i liked it or not, i did not plan on becoming a habitual smoker. but knowing things is fun, and being able to argue fromexperience is fun, so experimentation seems appropriate (circumstances providing). now, if anyone has a rational argument against any of these facts, feel free to inform me. otherwise, i shall tolerate no irrational condescension on your part

posted by Cha  # 6:22 PM (0) comments
DvsGrimReaper713: youll become so rich youll enslave jesus as a whore

posted by Cha  # 7:56 AM (0) comments


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