
MightyBobX Quotage

My history of quotes, because the damn profile is too short

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

hehe. dirty

posted by Cha  # 4:02 PM (0) comments
Excerpt from my mythology readings:
"But Kumarbi rushed after him, seized Anu by the feet/legs, and dragged him down from the sky. Kumarbi bit Anu's loins, and his manhood united with Kumarbi's insides like bronze. When Kumarbi had swallowed the manhood of Anu, he rejoiced and laughed out loud. Anu turned around and spoke to Kumarbi: "Are you rejoicing within yourself because you have swallowed my manhood?" "

posted by Cha  # 3:51 PM (0) comments

Friday, June 24, 2005

ah ha, where that "24 hour candy machine" video came from. some band named lodger. they have a few other videos, it's cool animation. for those of you as stupid as i am, you operate the interface by spinning the drums and then pressing the lock button when you get the symbol you want, until you access the right section (as indicated on left).

posted by Cha  # 6:32 PM (0) comments
this is pretty funny. unless you think women are people. but it does have a catchy song and cool animation.

posted by Cha  # 11:52 AM (0) comments

Friday, June 17, 2005

oh. sweet. jesus.
batman begins is so goddamn cool. they've seriously managed to make every single thing about a guy who dresses like a bat to be the absoulte coolest thing ever. a massive part of it was the fact that it was the guy from american psycho; he is such a badass, in the actual, cool badass way, not the stupid vin diesel way. the best part ever is when he's interrogating someguy he's got upside down and the guy is scared shitless, and the guy's like "i dont' know, i swear to god" and batman's like "SWEAR TO ME". he's awesome.

posted by Cha  # 1:14 AM (0) comments

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

i was watching this thing about japanese consumer culture at pat's, and the two funniest lines were "japanese consumers are easily manipulated by the media" and "many japanese men play pornographic video games because they are incapable of talkign to real women"

posted by Cha  # 10:43 AM (0) comments

posted by Cha  # 10:43 AM (0) comments
apparently ucla workers are striking again. we should march with them and hold up fake protesting signs. "waah! waah! i want more money! waah!" "we yell the loudest, so we deserve the most!" "i can't earn more at a better job, so i'm gonna whine till i get it from my current one!"

wife/girlfriend joke

posted by Cha  # 10:32 AM (0) comments

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Recently added music: walkmen, decemberists, Richard cheese, keane, enon, snow patrol, minibar

posted by Cha  # 8:46 AM (0) comments

Monday, June 06, 2005

Ah, nightwish, how do i love thee. either the music is rockin', or the lyrics are beautifully poetic, or they have a cool drama/romance backstory, and often a combination of the above. <could listen to them forever>

posted by Cha  # 11:41 AM (0) comments
anyone else think this song is about some sort of statutory affair? i'm not really sure

posted by Cha  # 11:15 AM (0) comments

Sunday, June 05, 2005

I often wonder exactly how many people i'd be willing to throw off a bridge in order to get new daria episodes. i can tell you it's probably some number greater than... 8ish.

posted by Cha  # 4:47 PM (0) comments

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


posted by Cha  # 11:29 AM (0) comments


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