
MightyBobX Quotage

My history of quotes, because the damn profile is too short

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

k, i'm stupid, and improperly analyzed the situation, and have engaged in many useless troubleshooting procedures. in summary, i just need to format a drive. of course, this is taking 9 hours at the moment, and may take longer. in the meantime,
goldenpants78: kindness to the [animal] test subjects is a matter of convenience, anyway
MightyBobX: what do you mean?
goldenpants78: like if youre going to open up a dog's brain...you're not going to cause any painful trauma, and youre going to anaesthetize him
goldenpants78: otherwise you get no data
MightyBobX: ok, so long as you reserve the right to pluck out their eyes if it proves useful
goldenpants78: even if it did, the sensitivity of your instruments would demand that you put them under before doing it
MightyBobX: unless you were testing how often they explode when you pull their eyes out
goldenpants78: goddamnit
goldenpants78: theres a jumping spider in my room
MightyBobX: pluck his eyes out

posted by Cha  # 9:23 PM (0) comments

Sunday, August 28, 2005

moving fuzzy into berkeley and spending the week with michelle went quite well. rasputin music is a cool place there, and we discovered the place ben referred to as the "objectivist hot dog stand" was in fact more libertarian, possibly anarchial capitalist. it's called "top dog", it's on durante.
my comp was manifesting interesting hard drive issues before i left (files were randomly becoming corrupted, and i was having trouble scandisking), and upon my return my comp was unbootable. it wants to scandisk, and whether you let it finish or not, it reboots right afterwards and then prompts you for safe mode, and part of the way into booting (safe mode or not) it produces an error and you have to reboot, at which point it wants to scandisk, etc. i have a maxtor 80 and a seagate 160, and a maxtor 60 i haven't been using. the m80 was producing the results listed above; the m60 doesn't, but i believe it's partially formatted or something and produces an error if you try to boot from it, i think the seagate does the same (though i know the seagate is fine). attempts to boot from floppy to format have failed, as (eventhough the bios recognizes the maxtors) upon boot to dos the drives are no longer there. i think trying other ide slots produced different but unproductive results. so i whipped out the old soyo mobo i have and hooked stuff up to see if it's the mobo, but i couldn't get it to boot from floppy. tested the floppy on wes's comp and indeed it got messed up. i just remade it, but now i have to go ref. fortunately, i have no classes and haven't signed up for any work shifts yet, so i have nothing but time to work on this. oh joy.

posted by Cha  # 1:51 PM (0) comments

Saturday, August 20, 2005

yeah. haven't posted in a long time. let's see...
have been taking stupid summer classes (mythology and history of western civilization) and working as a CSO. classes ended, so came home for a few days and have been hanging out with ben and thayer and fuzzy. went to lake havasu with the family for a week, which was cool but would have been super awesome with friends since the lake really lends itself to secret parties in isolated coves. that ended, spent a few more days here, and now am going to berkeley to help fuzzy move in for school, then spending a few days with michelle. after that, thayer heads back to CMU and pat gets back from his roadtrip with jon (in order that jon might have his car over there). oh yeah... and phantom is awesome.

posted by Cha  # 2:46 AM (0) comments

Thursday, August 04, 2005

MightyBobX: but we're sidetracked from the main point, which is that alden isn't overwhelmingly against this
DemonWeasel42: ugh
MightyBobX: not yet, anyway
MightyBobX: <will stick it to him>
MightyBobX: <with overwhelming penetration of the cock of reason>

posted by Cha  # 8:49 PM (0) comments

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

7th heaven is filmed at the school across from my apartment.

posted by Cha  # 10:16 PM (0) comments


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