
MightyBobX Quotage

My history of quotes, because the damn profile is too short

Friday, October 28, 2005

All Indo-European languages originally came equipped with a triplet of locative interrogative pronouns. Until recently, we had whither "where to?" where "where at?" and whence "where from?" They corresponded to two triplets of demonstrative pronouns: thither "to there," there, and thence "from there" plus hither "to here," here, and hence "from here."

posted by Cha  # 9:56 AM (0) comments

Thursday, October 27, 2005


posted by Cha  # 1:02 AM (0) comments

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

DemonWeasel42: I read that logic page thats going over the derivation of your political system from basic premises
DemonWeasel42: pretty cool so far
DemonWeasel42: I always wanted to put it down in a simple way that was very ordered like that
MightyBobX: yeah. it's OPAR in arthur's words, with a few corrections
DemonWeasel42: but never had time to get it all straight to the letter in my head.
MightyBobX: hehe, and substantially shorter
DemonWeasel42: damnit..I need to read that book still, btw
DemonWeasel42: I've inferred most of it from other reading
DemonWeasel42: but never actually read somebody's organized version of it like that
MightyBobX: yeah; it's just a summary of everything else, but it's really hot when it's such a perfect "proof of everything we think", starting from axioms and concluding with objectivism
DemonWeasel42: hehe, yeah
DemonWeasel42: has a certain sexual appeal to it
MightyBobX: erections abound!

posted by Cha  # 6:45 PM (0) comments

Sunday, October 23, 2005

So the movie Waiting to Exhale is kinda cool. it's all about several black women falling in and out of love. what makes it cool is that they're all black, but not retarded. normally when people set out to make a racially oriented movie/song/tv show, they make them so racial it's stupid. but these people sound like regular, intelligent black people, which is really refreshing. i'm just so used to being utterly repulsed by anything from the black culture (music videos, shows on mtv, BET) that it's hard to imagine that something can be black and not dumb.

hehe, also, there was some ad for "Saw 2", a horror movie, which is going to play right after some real world marathon. the ad goes (in a scary voice) "find out what happens when people stop being real... and start being dead!"

posted by Cha  # 1:44 PM (0) comments

Friday, October 21, 2005

ElectricRussia: still have the yellow fever
DemonWeasel42: yeh...a bit
DemonWeasel42: as in
DemonWeasel42: totally
DemonWeasel42: I'm deathly sick
ElectricRussia: you need to broaden your horizens
ElectricRussia: horizons
ElectricRussia: whore eye zones
DemonWeasel42: hehe
ElectricRussia: theres more to life than pacific islanders
DemonWeasel42: dude
DemonWeasel42: I'd hit that...in the face...with my fist
DemonWeasel42: pacific islanders are ugly as sin
ElectricRussia: they all come from the same mold man
DemonWeasel42: nah, screw that. pacific islanders are like an entirely different, entirely fatter race
DemonWeasel42: if they came from the same mould, then somebody cooked bacon in it at one point

posted by Cha  # 10:39 PM (0) comments
DemonWeasel42: my entire [philosophy] class is full of retards
DemonWeasel42: and they dont even know it
MightyBobX: philosophy departments are scary
DemonWeasel42: thats the part that gets me
MightyBobX: it's like it'd be so much better if teh world was so much more fierce that the stupid people would just have to die
DemonWeasel42: hehe
DemonWeasel42: I agree with that statement wholeheartedly
MightyBobX: what we need is for reality to get harder as we learn to deal with it better
MightyBobX: like, the difficulty goes up
MightyBobX: and the monsters get elemental immunities
MightyBobX: so that way, as we advance our civilization, the stuipd people can't mooch
MightyBobX: because they get killed by lightning enchanted guys and they have like -75 lit res
DemonWeasel42: hehe
MightyBobX: but... more real
MightyBobX: and less diablo
MightyBobX: hehe, in a sense, that is what's happening
MightyBobX: it's getting harder for us
MightyBobX: and we must survive

posted by Cha  # 10:24 PM (0) comments

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

haha, oh jesus. a sample midterm question from my chem20 class: "All samples of pure water boil at 100 degrees c. How can this scientific law be proved?" and the answer is "it can only be shown to predict reality; science cannot be proved". this is the professor who thinks induction is not a valid means of gaining knowledge and that modern science has abandoned the traditional scientific method (observation->hypothesis->experimentation) in favor of a new conjectural method (conjecture->attempts at refutation->acceptance). this is so dumb it's hardly worth commenting on, but i'll do it anyway. where does he think these conjectures come from? they pull them out of their asses? no, they start with observations from experiments or other scientific laws. his "attempts at refutation" are precisely what experimentation is for; it either agrees with or refutes a hypothesis. finally, he someone differentiates the "acceptance of a conjecture" from "the making of a scientific law", which means he hasn't bothered to think about either of those in the slightest. as to this midterm question, it's ridiculous; what, like there's a difference between "proving a scientific theory" and showing that a theory works in reality?

posted by Cha  # 5:25 PM (0) comments

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Pat and i Just Finished Loling. I got a friend request on facebook from some guy named billy loeyk, whom i've never heard of. we dont' have anything in common in our profiles, and no common friends, so it seemed kind of random; i sent him a message with subject: "uh, and you are you?" and body: "<see subject>". Then i checked my messages and saw he'd already sent me one saying "Great taking math classes with you last quarter! Keep it real! You're really smart." Hehe.

posted by Cha  # 10:04 PM (0) comments

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Hehe, from someone on the Harry Binswanger list (an objectivist forum):
Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a
lifetime. Learn to feel guilty every time YOU catch fish, and he'll never have to fish again.

posted by Cha  # 9:41 AM (0) comments

Friday, October 14, 2005

<on the state of an icon in her system tray>
Blue Beary Gold: and it's bouncing up and down
Blue Beary Gold: it's just that happy to see me
MightyBobX: dirty girl

posted by Cha  # 10:12 PM (0) comments

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The moral of the story: dont' take off your brake line when replacing your brake pads.

And sigh; my noisy-when-naked neighbors didnt move away, as previously hypothesized. It's not the noise that bothers me; it's the fact that they're making it and i'm not. Jerks.

posted by Cha  # 6:49 PM (0) comments

Monday, October 10, 2005

Kinda stressed. I have lots of things to do, many of which may have profound effects on my future. I have 4 classes (with hw that isn't being as easy as I'd like), grad school applications/research, GRE studying, crypto studying, LOGIC, and refereeing. Certain confusions in relationships, while temporary, are irritating. And I keep breaking my motorcycle. Grrrrrr.

I was waiting for the bus to go to racquetball, and the bus driver drove by me and waved as he did so. asshole.

posted by Cha  # 8:43 PM (0) comments

Monday, October 03, 2005

for those of you who haven't seen CSI, here's the essence of it:
catherine: "two db's, one male, one female. both in their underwear... it looks like he shot her, then himself. crime of passion?"
<zooms in on grissom> grissom (with raised eyebrow and queer half-smirk): "more like... crime of murder" <cuts to intro sequence>

posted by Cha  # 8:40 AM (0) comments


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