
MightyBobX Quotage

My history of quotes, because the damn profile is too short

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Vote to Rebuild!

posted by Cha  # 9:31 AM (0) comments

Saturday, July 08, 2006

didn't post wed-fri because i was quite busy working on the experiment, preparing my presentation, and learning java (it's awesome!). did a little drinking too, tee hee.
if anyone wants my presentation, i can email it to you
i'm currently in chicago with michelle. i got into the airport at 11:45ish, and we had to take the train to her place out in the suburbs, which took like 2-3 hours. so we didn't get to bed till like 3. we both woke up at like 10, ate breakfast, showered, and then fell back asleep till 3. we then went out and picked up michelle's new bike she found on craigslist, then went downton to rent a bike for me. we then rode them back to her place, between 11 and 13 miles away (long ride). oh, and ewwww... we saw a bumpersticker that said "capitalism = problems; socialism = solutions"
the plan when i get back is to move out and into the new place as fast as possible, since i don't have internet or tv anymore. then spend a few days in simi.

posted by Cha  # 6:36 PM (0) comments

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

monday i was elected by my group to give the presentation to the conference on our project. i think this was partially motivated by the quasi-leadership position i'd assumed, since i've been doing all the programming, and partially motivated by the fact that i'm the only one who speaks english without an accent. so i'll be doing that on thursday. until then, we all have every computer available to us crunching numbers, and we'll collect and analyze the data wednesday night.
i want to start doing this number theory book nathan gave me, and i'd like to just do the entire thing and keep all the problems in a notebook. but i don't have one, and i couldn't get a ride from anyone to albertsons. so i borrowed my roommate's bike (he bought it for $5; it has no rear breaks and the 1st level gear shift doesn't work) and biked clear across town to get there (5 min). it was a nice ride; i haven't been on a bike in ages, though i kept checking wher emy motorcycle's mirrors are when i wanted to look behind me.
time to go watch germany vs italy with everyone and do math

posted by Cha  # 12:34 PM (1) comments

Sunday, July 02, 2006

sunday. day of sleeping late, messing around, playing frisbee, and actually hanging out with people at night. we were gonna go to the bar, but instead bought liquor and watched moives in someone's room. i was the only one who liked cider, so i had to drink the whole six-pack i bought. poor me.
watched run lola run; kinda intersting, but ultimately pointless. otherwise mostly chatted; ther'es this girl christine, who is from south africa. kind of attractive and everyone thinks she's the coolest girl around, but is retarded philosphically, so i'm not especially interested in hanging out with her. everyone else was eh. there's this buddhist guy who received a stern lecture on the primacy of existence, because he was pretty sure that reality is what you make of it. sigh
one more week! then sweet michelle and then sweet LA

posted by Cha  # 10:27 PM (1) comments

Saturday, July 01, 2006

i've been a good little socializer. friday night, played chess and watched movies with everyone. shaun of the dead is a comedic zombie movie. it was pretty good, but it got a little too gruesome at some parts, and therefore wasn't entirely comedic. i recommend. watched kung-fu hustle, a known hilarious kung-fu movie. army of darkness was on, a movie i've seen way too many times, because it's not that good. it's discouraging being the worst chess player here. i'm not used to it.
saturday morning, went hiking in vaudevoo or something. it's a big rock formation east of here. we got there at 11, and my group went on a hiking trail around the rock. it wasn't that interesting, just trees and rocks; typical foresty stuff. got to see more of those really cool rolling hills/rocky plains, which look really cool from a distance but would be really boring if you were actually there. we had a great picnic lunch, but then it started raining, so i didn't get to do any actual climbing, which sucked. came back, did a little work, and then played some chess with everyone. we playes some group game where everyone writes a short sentence on a piece of paper, then the next person draws a picture of your sentence, then covers the original sentence (so only the picture is viewable) and the next person makes up a sentence that fits your picture, and this repeats for some number of rounds, until at the end you open all the papers and laugh at what this non-uniform encryption/decryption function did to everything.
i wanted to go to the local bar and play pool, so i asked nick. he said yes, but then he just sat talking to some girl for a long time, and decided he didn't want to go. i waited for a while trying to get someone to come with me, but eventually i just went by myself. fortunately, when i showed up, sergei and muberra were there. muberra and i played pool for a while and had a few ciders, then we took a break and i headed back here.
<roommate continues to be annoying>

posted by Cha  # 11:08 PM (1) comments


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