
MightyBobX Quotage

My history of quotes, because the damn profile is too short

Monday, March 08, 2004

Chorus of "A Perfect Circle - Weak and Powerless":
sour creaaaaaaam aaaaand guacamoooooleee,
some cheeeeeeeese aand salsa oooooon my taco

And for all of you Radiohead + Warcraft fans (only Thayer and Jon, i think), "Radiohead - Knives Out":

I waaaant youuu to knooow
they did a group attack
Look into my base
i'm not going back

fan of kniiiiives ouuuuuuuuut
caaaatch the gruuuunt
tuuurn your-mooon wells-ooon

If-you'd brouuught siege-alooong
towers-neeever-wooould ha'-wooorked

theeey sloooowed allmy guuuuys
how the hell did he already geeeet tier2222?

my weeeells are ouuuut
my chiiims aren't doooone
waaarden's deaaad
theeey-killed allll my-doooots

my heeeroo is-cooold
gonna get creepjaaaacked
now i'm slooowed dooown and poiiisoned
Still there’s a small chaaance weee-can saaave the baaase

So puuuull out
we've loooost too muuuuch
it's geee-gee tiiime
deeeetonaaaate a loooot

posted by Cha  # 11:22 AM
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