
MightyBobX Quotage

My history of quotes, because the damn profile is too short

Monday, July 26, 2004

<works at starbucks in vons&gt

posted by Cha  # 3:31 PM (0) comments

Friday, July 23, 2004

goldenpants78: oh yeah. i so went there to see chad's girlfriend. really.

DvsGrimReaper713: no

goldenpants78: in fact, we had nightsex all group long

DvsGrimReaper713: you went there to run away with chad for a weekend

goldenpants78: yeah, chad was the highlight of my weekend

goldenpants78: we ran across fields to each other for several hours

goldenpants78: then jumped around in cicular fashion

DvsGrimReaper713: must have been very exhausting

goldenpants78: oh, that wasnt the exhausting part

posted by Cha  # 5:15 PM (0) comments

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Arg. midnight on monday. really bored, i want someone to talk to or hang out with.

posted by Cha  # 12:00 AM (0) comments

Monday, July 19, 2004

Sigh. So borders ditched me. So no job for the summer. Gettin' kinda bored with games, need more people to do stuff with. And... more Sara to be here. So... let's have some of that just... happen.

posted by Cha  # 11:37 PM (0) comments

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

tallbladeofgrass: my bra has water in it
MightyBobX: ...

posted by Cha  # 3:43 PM (0) comments

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Courtesy of Drayen, on the Frozen throne forums:
"hate brings hate, love brings 'stfu omg your ghey'"

posted by Cha  # 6:03 PM (0) comments

Friday, July 09, 2004

Oh my god. Mullholland Drive has replaced Eyes Wide Shut as the shittiest art movie ever. Even less logic, more nudity, and crazier scene changes. I just want to die. Bullshit at its most grandiose.

posted by Cha  # 12:10 AM (0) comments

Monday, July 05, 2004

New Fuck club:

<final scene>
Jack: "Wait... then the dick isn't in your hand... <looks down> the dick is in my hand..."
Tyler: "Good for you, doesn't change a thing"
Jack: <puts dick to mouth>
Tyler: "Now why would you go and put a dick in your mouth?"
Jack: "Not my mouth, Tyler; our mouth."
Jack: "And Tyler, I want you to really listen to me... this time, my eyes are open"
You can figure out what happens next.
And for a second I forget about Tyler's whole controlled demolition thing and i wonder how clean that dick is.

posted by Cha  # 1:10 PM (0) comments
Spiderman 2 = teh love. The altruism was a bit sickening around the middle (especially that cock, Uncle Ben), but as with all successful american films, it had to end with good guy winning and getting kirten dunst's attractive legs. Well, the rest of her too.

We were at borders messing around, and i found this book for teenagers called "Am I weird, or is this normal?" It has all kind of useful advice, like explaining first, second, etc base, the basics of flirting, and their list of top ten natural highs. The top four natural highs, btw, are:
1. Making someone laugh.
2. Running around the block.
3. Having an orgasm.
4. Flying a kite.
So here you can see taht having an orgasm is slightly worse than running around the block, but slightly better than flying a kite; but the important thing to remember is that they're all comparably enjoyable. I SERIOUSLY want to get that book. It's gonna be my first purchase when i work there. The first few rules for flirting were things like "Make eye contact from across the room; don't stare, just make eye contact. Smile when they're looking. Have an orgasm." Well, the orgasm wasn't in there, but we felt it followed the theme.

Let's see. Thayer and I were 10 feet behind an 80mph car on madera ave that plowed into the back of an SUV, sending it across our lane into another car, then across the median, flipping, and rolling into 2 other cars. Excitement.
Thayer's mom has also been missing for several days, so we've been driving around investigating such things. Excitement.

We were at the beach and thayer was checking out some girl.
Thayer: "Look at her ass... don't you just wanna lie on it?"
Chad: "What? Uh, yeah, don't you just wanna start doing random things to people's body parts? 'Look at that girl's rack; don't you just wanna... bury it?'"
Thayer: "Take them into the garden and BURY them..."

Sniff. I wanna work somewhere. Even coffee at borders.

posted by Cha  # 12:44 PM (0) comments

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Sara and I have been together for nine months as of today. SHE COULD BE HAVING MY BABIES. Yay for us! Plus, her parents said they'd be willing to fly me up there to visit. Yay!

posted by Cha  # 5:05 PM (0) comments


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