
MightyBobX Quotage

My history of quotes, because the damn profile is too short

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Hehe, the first song on "Queens of the Stone Age: Songs for the Deaf" starts out with a guy getting in his car and turning on the radio, and proceeds as such:
Radio announcer: "K - L (oh) - O (en) - N Los Angeles (-ngeles), Klone radio! We play the songs that sound more like anyone else (than anyone else!) Klone (klone (klone))..."
DJ: Hey alright! It's Kip Kasper, Klone radio, LA's INFINITE repeat; how we feelin' out there? How's your drive-time commute? I need a saga; what's the saga! It's Songs for the Deaf! You can't even hear it!"
And then the QOTSA songs starts. Hehe, the way he says "you can't even hear it", like it's the most amazing thing ever.

Anyway, "participated" in a protest today. Apparently UCLA paid michael moore 25,000 to speak at the school. So the bruin republicans staged a little protest outside the area he was speaking at, complete with signs deriding moore and, to a lesser extent and indirectly, the school for paying him to speak. Michelle mentioned it, and i had nothing else to do for that hour, so i joined her. It was the first protest either of us had been to, and it was kinda fun, watching people spaz out at each other, usually for the wrong reasons. I'm not a fan of michael moore, mostly because he's an idiot, but that's insufficent grounds for protesting; the school spending good money for a clearly partisan cause, however, is less than comendable. So i held up a sign for a while and stood with michelle, sorta hiding amongst the noise that the more vocal protesters were making. We walked up and down the huge line waiting to enter the amphitheatre, then i ate some lunch and did hw until the speaking started; things died down after a while, and michelle and i left for the PIC lab and did some more hw.

Uf. Been thinking more about stuff, but I don't generally feel the need to rant about it here unless i have a lot of well-formulated thoughts to say. And since no one has taken too much of an interest in it, the process doesn't go too quickly. Hehe, i don't even know who reads this nonsense.

posted by Cha  # 3:36 PM
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