
MightyBobX Quotage

My history of quotes, because the damn profile is too short

Monday, October 18, 2004

Well, it did end up raining sunday, but because it had been raining all night, they cancelled my games so i didn't have to ride out there on my bike in the rain. I ended up going to the loyola marymont vs santa clara soccer game to watch duncan ref and hang out with the ref crew before/halftime/after the game, which was cool. And i got into the game free, cuz i was on the list. I thought the school was kinda cool. Small campus, with a road that enters up through the bottom of the squarish campus, goes in a big circle at the far end of the square, and then brings you back the way you came. Dorms along the sides with fields/walkways winding around, nice looking buildings. The way harvey mudd looked, the way i wish ucla looked. But i guess that's the price you pay for having a massive campus. Shame the place was so christian.
Saw team america with michelle. Pretty freakin' sweet; it's like adult swim: the movie, only less tasteful profanity.
Hehe, had the first run of my "taco bell is great" plan today. You see, this homo-tastic group at ucla has been trying to get the campus taco bell banned because the taco bell corporation buys tomotoes in florida, where the poor little migrant workers only make so much money for their terrible fate of picking tomatoes. So this campus group has tried before to get them banned, and are now trying again. They have a table on bruin walk with a big sign saying "BOYCOTT TACO BELL; ASK US WHY?". So anyway, my plan: eat taco bell in front of their sign. Just stand there and eat lunch. Worked pretty well; the lady at the table after a few min of me being there came up and was like "would you like to hear about our campaign?" to which i replied "i already know about it; that's why i'm standing here". "oh; well, which side are you on?" "*holding burrito supreme* what do you think?". Afterwhich we began a courteous debate as to why we shouldn't/should ban taco bell. Her arguments were the most elementary and basic, so i argued circles around her without breaking a sweat. eventually she's like "oh, well, i had fun talking with you." and went back to her table, so i finished eating and hung out with sara and pat. even after i finished, i stood around more with my taco bell wrappers.

posted by Cha  # 4:33 PM
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