
MightyBobX Quotage

My history of quotes, because the damn profile is too short

Monday, November 29, 2004

While i'm here...
I watched aladin, lion king, the count of monte cristo, pleasantville, and dawn of the dead this weekend. Aladin is same old, lion king is still awesome (possibly the best animated movie ever), count of monte cristo was recommended by fuzzy and is indeed a very cool movie, just because the guy is awesome and does awesome things. pleasantville is goodness, and dawn of the dead was decently funny. first half was pretty hilarious, sort of tapered off towards the end.

posted by Cha  # 11:52 PM (0) comments
<finally got back from a 2 day michelle-athon> Sunday night i got back from simi at about 8, and went straight over to michelle's. Stayed the night, went to school, and went back to michelle's, and i have finally returned home for a shave and so i could bring lunch to school tomorrow. <me likes michelle>

posted by Cha  # 11:46 PM (0) comments
History in style

<this time, won't make the same mistake twice>

posted by Cha  # 10:48 AM (0) comments

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Uf. Not feeling so hot anymore. <leaves for home>

posted by Cha  # 3:24 PM (0) comments

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Yay for motorcycle being fixed. And yay for feeling pretty good past few days.

posted by Cha  # 1:26 PM (0) comments

Monday, November 22, 2004

Hehe, cashcall.com has the coolest commercials. they've got one with eric astrada going "you remember me from chps, and it was pretty cool cruisin' around on the highway... what isn't cool is having to fix your car... and you need cashcall.com for that!" And they've got another one with gary coleman: "I'm gary coleman; years ago i made million in television... but the people who ran the money spent it. So when i needed cash, i used cashcall.com. The next morning, i had $10,000 in the bank!"

posted by Cha  # 9:37 AM (0) comments

Sunday, November 21, 2004

There has never been anything funnier in the history of existence:

posted by Cha  # 11:13 PM (0) comments

Saturday, November 20, 2004

[00:49:12] TheDarkImpLord: same reason they always cover themselves
with the sheet the next morning
[00:49:28] TheDarkImpLord: it's really stupid, you guys just has sex,
but they feel some need to be modest still
[00:49:32] MightyBobX: hehe, they do, do they?
[00:49:41] TheDarkImpLord: in movies all the time
[00:49:53] TheDarkImpLord: though perhaps that's for ethe censors
[00:49:58] MightyBobX: yeah; that's my guess
[00:50:04] TheDarkImpLord: noone ever seems to think its werid or
comments on it though
[00:50:19] MightyBobX: well, i don't think that'd be a thing most
people comment on
[00:50:33] MightyBobX: dad: "haha, stupid movie; THEY NEVER COVER

Shawn Cokus, my PIC10A (computer science) professor:
• People like computer science because... "it is imposing your will on the machine."
• "There are two slashes in the world..."
• Getting the wrong answer: "That's, like, way not this."
• The "my-number-is-bigger-than-yours" game: "But eventually you grow up, that's how the game ends."
• After telling a story about a misguided rocket: "The machine will not explode in the PIC lab."
• Demonstrating range of data: "I can't draw the steps, because, there's like, 4 billion of them."
• "Floating point numbers are like a disease, but a good disease."
• Writing pi out to 17 decimal places: "You can double check me if you, like, really care."
• "We're completely going to ignore these 'world' issues."
• "Bool variables... aren't so exciting."
• "Void indicates, the absence of something."
• "If he's so dumb that he can't guess all the numbers from 1 to 999, he deserves to be stuck in the program forever."

posted by Cha  # 3:04 PM (0) comments

Friday, November 19, 2004

Uf. I used to be happy, like all the time. Sometimes I'd be angry or depressed, but it'd be for like 10 minutes and I'd be done; it'd always boil down to "whatever, doesn't matter", and the solution would be jsut to take my mind off it for a second and i'd be fine. It's so the opposite now. I'm always so... bleh. Sometimes I'll be upset, and sometimes i'll be happy, but it always passes with time. I have to struggle to feel good. Is this the way it is for other people? I can't imagine anyone having to live this way their whole life. It's affected music too. I used to always love happy, upbeat songs, and when i felt like relaxing or whatever, more mellow stuff was good and enhanced that. But now i don't have "mellow" songs, i have sad or depressing songs, and they can easily bring my mood down; i can only enjoy happy songs when i'm already in that kind of mood. I didn't even used to have moods of any significance. To be fair, i can get happy just as fast, like if i'm hanging out with pat or maggie or michelle. But it's all so fleeting. I can't even deal with a stupid teenage breakup without it changing how my brain works; thank god nothing serious has ever happened to me.

posted by Cha  # 10:09 PM (0) comments

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

hehe, thayer finally got my x3watch email:
Greetings. X3watch Reporting. You are receiving this email from NeighborhoodAtheist who has signed up for X3watch and has identified you as their accountability partner. Please, see the information listed below for possible questionable websites that have been visited recently.
<list of sites>
www.xxxchurch.com is a non-profit organization which exists to bring awareness, openness, accountability, and recovery to the church, society, and individuals in the issues of pornography and to begin to provide solutions through non-judgmental and creative means.

Their site list includes my many, many porn sites, but it also includes things like alden's blog, or travelocity. So i think they have a short list of sites that consist of "google.com" and its moral equivalents, and just count everything else as "morally questionable". Either that or there's something at the princeton review website that i've been missing...
hehe, it also makes special note of times when "User has manually closed the X3watch application"

I'll update when/if i get a response from the other recipient, my old youth pastor

posted by Cha  # 8:11 PM (0) comments

Monday, November 15, 2004

Cool link from a less cool, but more amusing other link.

posted by Cha  # 7:23 PM (0) comments

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Oh man, the bassist for Nightwish is coolest guy ever: http://search.launch.yahoo.com/search/lsearch/all?p=nightwish

posted by Cha  # 1:20 PM (0) comments

Friday, November 12, 2004

Haha. Fuzzy's high school banned pure white t-shirts, so he got a shirt made that has Galt's Oath: "I swear by my life and my love of it that i shall never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine." Apparently some people think it has something to do with gay people.

posted by Cha  # 10:11 PM (0) comments
Haha, these are good: http://www.theonion.com/horoscopes/index.php?issue=4045

Went to the ARI last night to hear Dr. Andrew Bernstein speak on global capitalism. Michelle and I drove down late afternoon, she took me out for a birthday dinner, then we headed over to the speech. Bernstein was good, but the real prize was the Q&A that came after, because Dr. Yaron Brooks was a god. Bernstein (as innapropriately pointed out by an attendee) speaks kind of fast, and he doesn't always hit quite the right arguments the first time. But Brooks speaks perfectly, emphasizing all the right points at all the right times, and generally sounds like he's a character from Atlas Shrugged. Plus, he sounds a little like Homestarrunner. "Seeweeouswee folks, weason, is, eh, um, da best"

Sara and Gary (her new man) met us there, and we ran into Ben, a guy i know from objectivist club. I noticed that she and I laughed at all the same jokes, or more importantly, all the same non-jokes that we still found funny for whatever weird reasons we have. I think that's one of the main things that attracted me to her in the first place; as i've said before, sense of humor is critical, and it's hard to find people who laugh at all the same nonsense our gang does.

posted by Cha  # 7:56 AM (0) comments

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Family changed plans; no longer going to norcal for thanksgiving. Just hanging out at home.

posted by Cha  # 9:39 PM (0) comments

Monday, November 08, 2004

This just in: JON WANTS MORE DICK. LOTS OF IT. Source: "suddenly I want to be a urologist"

posted by Cha  # 10:39 PM (0) comments
"The first real breakthrough in the treatment of erectile dysfunction came in 1983. Prior to that time, it was thought that erectile dysfunction -- the inability to achieve an erection -- was primarily mental. That concept came crashing down at the 1983 American Urological Association meeting in Las Vegas when Dr. Giles Brindley injected his penis with the drug phentolamine. Following the injection, Dr. Brindley appeared on stage and dropped his pants to display one of the first drug-induced erections to the incredulous audience of urologists."
goldenpants78 (10:36:30 PM): lol
goldenpants78 (10:36:43 PM): i wonder if they were scientifically incredulous
MightyBobX (10:36:48 PM): lol
goldenpants78 (10:38:12 PM): "he died four days later of blood poisoning"
goldenpants78 (10:38:28 PM): "with a smile on his face"

posted by Cha  # 10:37 PM (0) comments
Stupid LA Department of Water and Power. They charge you 6 dollars to pay online with a credit card. Hypothetcially, they could have a reason for saying it's more expensive, even though every other business in the world prefers such things because they're easier and cheaper. But they even have recordings play when you call them that tell you to use a credit card on teh website; so they're full of contradictions to the brim!

posted by Cha  # 9:10 PM (0) comments
goldenpants78 (8:29:05 PM): "Personally, I think evolution as a theory is too poorly understood by the laymen for this debate to come up as often as it does."
goldenpants78 (8:29:51 PM): <responds "yet often it comes, my friend, often it comes">
MightyBobX (8:31:32 PM): in great gushes of debate
goldenpants78 (8:31:44 PM): veritable spurts
MightyBobX (8:32:37 PM): covering all nearby parties, clinging to their clothes and hair, reminding them of their shameful discourse
goldenpants78 (8:33:41 PM): "your primordial soup is all over me"

posted by Cha  # 8:32 PM (0) comments
omg, honeycrisp apples are the fruit of the gods.

this morning, sigh. after all the bad luck i had this weekend, it just had to round things off by letting wesley leave with the garage remote, thinking i'd already programmed mine. in fact, i hadn't, so i had to bus again.

posted by Cha  # 4:35 PM (0) comments

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Wow. Saturday went pretty well, so i thought i was in the clear. But nope; Sunday morning at 11:00 i receive an IM from a referee friend's brother saying "you're supposed to be in torrance in 30 minutes for my brother's assessment game", to which i responded with a witty "holy shit". so that sucked. but i did eventually get there and the game went well; it was a good men's game, didn't pay a ton, but was good soccer and justin (referee friend) passed. Took a chunk out of my day off, though, so i didn't make it to the store or do some other things. Worked on my PIC hw most the night, con michelle.
And my lame thanksgiving plans have been upgraded a little: i'm no longer driving to san fran with my family to have thanksgiving with family; i'm driving to san fran with michelle to have thanksgiving with family. We're going our seperate ways when we get up there, but we get to drive together, so that'll be fun. Hehe, last time i drove up north with a girl... she became my girlfriend!

posted by Cha  # 10:30 PM (0) comments

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Lots of random thoughts:
1) I don't know why, but all those "superheroes in day-to-day life" things just own me. I mean, look at my favorite TV/movies: harvey birdman, venture bros, space ghost, spiderman, x-men, smallville, the incredibles, mystery men (that old movie), etc; i loves them.
2) The incredibles was actually a profoundly moral movie. *minimal spoilerage* it starts out with all these superheroes kicking ass in the past; then a bunch of people start sueing them for property damage and things like "i didn't
want you to save me!" and stuff, so they all go into hiding. eventually this jackass of a kid who wanted to be a superhero ends up becoming a villian and kills off a bunch of the superheroes with his machines, which are his claim to fame. eventually the superhero family kicks his ass and they all win. Translation: people of ability stop getting appreciated, so they leave and let everyone deal with stuff (though the main character is very frustrated and hates having to hide); they raise their kids to hide their powers so that they won't get in trouble. Then this hero-wannabe comes out and thinks he can get around having ability by doing dastardly things like setting traps for heroes and by sending supermachines to destroy cities, then flying in and defeating them, making everyone think he's saved the day. So the good guys beat his pants off and are once again praised for the virtues they possess. There are several little mini-conflicts that get resolved in similar ways, with people accepting their virtues for what they are.
3) and goddammit, the mom in Incredibles was hot, and the daughter wasn't bad either. god, me and my love of animated fantasy women; i'm a creep. hehe, there's this part where the husband is getting his groove back, working out, getting rich, etc, so they have a big montage of his life improving. So he's leaving for work in one scene and his wife (elasti-girl) reaches up and gives him a big wet one, then as he starts to leave she stretches her arms out and pulls him back inside; a couple scenes later, he's recovering and leaving again but her arms come from some other room and pull him back in again. man, that's hot stuff.

posted by Cha  # 1:38 PM (0) comments
OH MY GOD. today has been trying to fuck me over so hard. k, there was the whole ordeal with my bike. afterwards, i rushed out to go see The Incredibles with michelle (a very fine film; heroes dealing with everyday life never gets old). we got to the movie in time (8:00), but it was sold out; so we wandered the mall for 2 hours till the 10 o'clock show. when the time came, we realized the guy gave us the wrong tickets; so we had to exchange them for the right ones. we enjoyed the movie, i dropped michelle off, and drove her car to my place. i couldn't get the fucking lights to turn off, so i called her and left a message (1:00 at night) asking how to do it. then i realized i didn't have my keys, and wesley wasn't there, and he wasn't answering his phone. the gate was locked, the sliding door was locked (on the balcony that you can jump onto from the front stairs), and he'd even closed the window i'd opened to run an extension cord to the garage. i'm kinda pissed off at this point, thinking i'm royally fucked. i call my mom and she's very nice about answering the phone, but can't come up with a good plan either. then i remembered i always leave the window in my room open, so after breaking into my own apartment, i remember the keys are in the garage where i left them from trying to work on my bike. aaaaaaaah. tomorrow better fucking shape up, or... my girlfriend will dump me again, and i don't even have one!

posted by Cha  # 1:05 AM (0) comments

Friday, November 05, 2004

Oof. Been riding the bus all week because the clutch cable on my bike snapped. The part finally arrived today, so after Michelle again very graciously gave me a ride to pick it up, I had to go about installing it. Well, it was already dark, and the lighting in the garage is nonexistant. we have no (working) flashlights, and there didn't seem to be any outlets in the garage, so i was a bit frustrated when i lugged the bedroom floor lamp into the garage. but hte garage door opener had an outlet, but i needed to use the converter the opener was using, so i unplugged the garage so i could get some light. I got half the cable off, but the other half required me to loosen some nuts that were buried behind my pipes; so after struggling for a while, i decided i needed to take off my pipes, but i can't do that because i don't have the allan wrenches required. so my dad offered to come down tomorrow and help me out, and michelle was ubernice and let me use her car tomorrow so i can get to my games. sigh. stupid bike.

Been hanging out with maggie. She's much more reasonable, post-willie. Yay for her.

posted by Cha  # 7:17 PM (0) comments

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Hehe, so i was walking to the bus stop and some EMT guys were loading up their van. they had a dummy on a stretcher hanging out the back, and they were coming out of some building carrying supplies. I told them "You guys were too late; he went stiff"

posted by Cha  # 5:15 PM (0) comments

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Hehe, when i went to a church camp with alden one time on catalina island, they had us choose accountability buddies, just like that internet program; they sometimes called them "accounting buddies", so alden and i swore to always alert each other when we were filing taxes and calculating long-term investment returns.
But about the article; it sounds great; i want to download that program and put down a bunch of pastors' emails; that way i can go to a ton of porn sites all the time and let all those people know how little i care about their perverted views of morality.

Edit: make that i did download the program, and listed thayer and an old youth pastor of mine as my accountability buddies. so every 2 weeks they'll be receiving an email with the "morally questionable" sites i've visited, which will be quite long since i plan to keep up about 5 a day, with popups galore.

posted by Cha  # 6:12 PM (0) comments

Monday, November 01, 2004

goldenpants78: "no...not the thesaurus!" *roooooar* "can't this thing go any faster?" *chomp* "beast, brute, degenerate!" "ahhhhh!"
goldenpants78: "no...the thesauri have gotten out!" ... "adroit, alert, apt, astute girl!" *mauls him*

posted by Cha  # 9:35 PM (0) comments
I fixed deadaim, and am now enjoying the bonuses that entails.

Check out http://graphics.stanford.edu/~fedkiw/ for cool videos, courtesy of my numerical analysis professor.

stuff. blarg.

posted by Cha  # 4:43 PM (0) comments


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