
MightyBobX Quotage

My history of quotes, because the damn profile is too short

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Blue Beary Gold: haha, my health insurance doesn't cover me if i'm injured in a riot
MightyBobX: k; i'm gonna cancel our trip to a mexican soccer game
Blue Beary Gold: also, i am not covered from injuries caused by release of nuclear energy
Blue Beary Gold: "war or not"

posted by Cha  # 4:19 PM (0) comments
Hehe, good weekend. It was raining friday, so Wes gave me a ride to school and I spent the night at michelle's; a good, but not atypical day. Saturday, however, we got up at 6am so we could get to temecula for our skydiving. Thus trav, michelle, and I all did tandem jumps (which means you're attached to a real skydiver who does all the work). It was quite fun, and we have cool and very expensive DVDs of our trip to show it. Afterwards, Michelle and I figured we were far south enough that a trip to San Diego was in order. Somehow we missed SD and ended up at the border. So we found a place to park and took the shuttle to tijuana, around 2 oclock i think. The plan was to go drinking early afternoon, her only moderately so she could sober up by the time we went home that night, and me getting utterly plastered, since she still feels i haven't quite gotten drunk enough yet.
So first we hit up a dinosaur themed bar and i had a corona (not tasty) and 1.5 margaritas (strawberry was very tasty, pineaplle less so), michelle having the other beer and the other half of the margarita, and we each had a shot of tequila. We wandered around a little more, constantly being propositioned by mexican guys calling us honeymooners and suggesting we'd love their respective bars/stripclubs/pharmacies. we went to a strip club (michelle wanted to see if i'd like it; i coulda told her i wouldn't beforehand, but just to be sure, i figured experimentation was in order) where i had two very expensive shots while an unattractive mexican girl revealed to the audience that she had two (2) nipples. then we found another bar, where I had 2 long islands, michelle hte other, and each another shot. we headed to an italian place and had pizza (and a pina colada for myself), then found one more bar where i had 2 more shots and 1.5 margaritas. I was pretty much at my limit, and it was starting to get dark (about 5 oclock), so we headed out. took more than an hour to take the shuttle back (mucho traffico), and then we went to a mcdonalds to get some water (which i was very much in need of). we hung out in her car for another hour, and by then she was ready to go. i lasted about 30 min, but then slept most of the way back. A very, very good weekend.

posted by Cha  # 1:48 PM (0) comments
MightyBobX: were you expecting an ARI article "in moral defense of climax control"?
TheDarkImpLord: hehe. that would be an amusing article
MightyBobX: "one of the requirements of mans' life is his ability to use his mind to produce what he needs to survive; another one is to get it on!"

posted by Cha  # 1:46 PM (0) comments

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

MightyBobX: hehe, the ARI describes atlas as a mystery story
goldenpants78: dagny's in a race against time in this modern thriller
MightyBobX: "she uncovers hidden secrets, special powers, and must fight to save the country she loves from the man she desires!"
goldenpants78: special powers?
MightyBobX: in little crates
goldenpants78: the force be with you, dagny
MightyBobX: "Map revealed!"
goldenpants78: "Unit Firepower Upgraded"
MightyBobX: "Nuclear axiom detected!"
goldenpants78: "An allied premise is under siege!"

posted by Cha  # 10:19 PM (0) comments

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

some of you have heard me complain about the Jay-Z/Linkin Park compilation. They didn't work together on a song, they just took Linkin Park's "Numb" and Jay-Z's "Encore" and cut and pasted them together. This shows how completely and utterly devoid of content these songs are: they have completely unrelated meanings; numb is linkin park's usual bitching about how mean everything is, and encore is jayz's usual talking about hoes and how hot he is and how great being a rapper is. Sure, the sound is ok, but these bands might as well admit lyrics are just filler. Further, I've learned they made a whole album with songs just like this; linkin park song + jayz song = intellectual disaster. Ugh. I wish they'd never existed.

...That is, i wished they'd never existed, until i found out they did a papercut + big pimpin' combo. See? Even out of pure evil can arise something wonderful. for those of you who have the slightest inkling of not being a homo, it's called "big pimpin-papercut", or i can send it to you over aim.

posted by Cha  # 9:01 AM (0) comments

Monday, January 24, 2005

haha, some stupid diamond commecial: "this anniversary... tell her 'i forever do'"

posted by Cha  # 9:47 PM (0) comments
you'll all be thrilled to know that i tried some more smoking with michelle and it failed miserably. so rest easy; i think i got 4 people issuing stern reproaches upon my previous announcement of anticipation

posted by Cha  # 4:31 PM (0) comments
I want "fuck a duck" to mean "go get 'em" or "go all out", or something those lines. I don't know why... but it seems like it should. You have to say it in a positive "you're the man, you can do it" kind of way.

posted by Cha  # 9:17 AM (0) comments
tim burton + stop-motion + depp + carter = sex0r

Yay for michelle.

posted by Cha  # 8:51 AM (0) comments

Friday, January 21, 2005

Last night was sweet. Not like anything crazy happened; Michelle, Bryan (her friend from the Bruin Republicans and our ride), and I went to the bruin republican inaugural party at club Bliss in west hollywood, and we just had a good time drinking and socializing. A bit pricy (I split michelle's $80 tab and Bryan's $40 parking ticket), but it was pretty fun and worth it. got back to her place and was in no condition to drive, so spent the night there.

"Do not scorn producers, including those who bring demanders and suppliers together in the market. Do not further corrupt parasitic flower-children by telling them that they are precious and fetching in their uselessness. And do not subversively and ridiculously falsify the record by blaming America first and capitalism alone."
-Professor Allen (friend David Lazar's econ professor)

posted by Cha  # 10:00 AM (0) comments

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

oh my god. fucking history channel is having an episode of Modern Marvels about what animals make. how much more could you bastardize something that's supposed to be about the glory of man's mind? christ, that's offensive. it compares human ingenuity to apes using sticks, huge drilling machines to naked mole rats, new york city to prairie dog towns. just go die already.

posted by Cha  # 10:00 PM (0) comments
you know how president harrison died really soon after entering office? he died because he got pneumonia from a cold he got because he insisted on giving a 2 hour inaugural speech on a cold day with no hat or coat because he wanted to show everyone how healthy he was

posted by Cha  # 9:46 PM (0) comments
"The Divinyls - I Touch Myself" is a hot song. I realize i've described songs that way before, so i feel i should specify what i mean. i don't just mean they use dirty/suggestive phraseology; i mean these songs are seriously romantic. sometimes they're a bit over the top in parts (yes yes, in I Touch Myself, we all get a laugh during the voice-over in the middle where she says "I love you; i honestly do; and when i think about you, i touch myself... ooh... oooooh.... ooooooh"), but overall they really make you think of triumphant "guy wins the girl, and they're kissing for the first time while the camera spins". A lot of people would say physically suggestive songs ("i touch myself", "meet me in the red room", etc) are not romantic, but i'll wager all these people possess an unhealthy belief in the mind-body dichotomy.

posted by Cha  # 4:39 PM (0) comments
hehe, i never thought it'd feel weird to wear underwear

posted by Cha  # 9:44 AM (0) comments

Monday, January 17, 2005

courtesy of ben:
" 'balls', said the queen. 'if i had to, i'd be king' "
"What would you with the king?" compared to "What? Would you? With the king?"
"Dear Jack,
I want a man who knows what love is all about. You are generous, kind, and thoughtful. People who are not like you admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me for other men. I yearn for you. I have no feelings whatsoever when we're apart. I can be forever happy - will you let me be yours?
Jill "
compared to
"Dear Jack,
I want a man who knows what love is. All about you are generous, kind, and thoughtful people, who are not like you. Admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me. For other men I yearn; for you I have no feelings whatsoever. When we're apart I can be forever happy. Will you let me be?

hehe, during the period of the french revolution, when french royalty got married, on their wedding night the court would come and watch the couple have sex just to make sure they could conceive an heir.

and just in case you've forgotten, "erections lasting more than four hours are rare, and you should seek immediate aid from a physician"

posted by Cha  # 9:08 PM (0) comments
Fight them with the power of the gay...

posted by Cha  # 8:44 PM (0) comments
Man, freaking sweet day. Went to the beach with michelle, had a great time there, went back to her place, had a great time there, watched Collateral (the one with tom cruise highjacking the taxi driver), and that was pretty cool. All in all, as smooth a day as can be. Yay! Didn't get as much math done as i wanted, but who the fuck cares. Hehe, and there's this sign in redondo beach. You know the yellow diamond signs with the pedestrian crossing the street, so black stick figure with a couple of parallel black lines at the bottom? I saw one that had fallen 90 degrees to the left, so the black lines lined up with the pole it was hanging from, and it looked like he was walking down the pole. "Slow: spiderman crossing". Hehe, and michelle has been talking about wanting to smoke for almost a week now, and today she was gonna have one when we got back from the beach, and i wanted one too. Dunno why, when i had that drag a few months ago it was terrible. We ended up forgetting about it, but i still kinda want one. Not gonna let myself buy them, though, no matter what. For even if they're delicioius, they're still pretty bad for you.

posted by Cha  # 8:10 PM (0) comments

Friday, January 14, 2005

Haha, dear christ. A group project by fuzzy, ben, and myself; prolly only jon and alden will appreciate it, possibly (but doubtfully) thayer.
Alpha centauri wonders that never made it to production:

*Theory of Practically Everything: increases labs at this base by 2%, Lose standing with every other faction
"C.E.O. Morgan has an urgent message: 'Practically everything? You suck.'" "your face exists to be insulted; and insulted it shall be"
DrBoskoniFuzz: Hehe...the video for this new theory would be awesome.
DrBoskoniFuzz: It'd be like little creeks...adn small bugs dying...
MightyBobX: it's like a highschooler doing his hw, then someone erasing measurements of a pendulum. someone pulling the hair out of their hairbrush, then some fast-motion mold growing on toast
goldenpants78: all the while funky new-age music plays and swells to a crescendo when some guy walks into a bathroom and closes the door
*xeno-apathy dome: "meh; fungus aint' so great. not bad, jsut not great"
*xeno-sympathy dome: you can talk on the phone with the fungus
*The Under-funded Citizen's Defense Force: Counts as a perimeter defense at every third base; all other cities get raped by mind worms (as is shown graphically in teh video) - "All right...everyone is gathered to defend the- What?...what do you mean teh guns haven't arrived yet?..." - Last transmission from Zolloto Gold
*100th story elevator: allows inner-city insertions anywhere... near your city
*the hunter-gatherer algorithm: increases food production by 1 in all squares at this base
*plans to begin considering some sort of ascendence project construction idea
*The Planetary Transit Vats: New cities start at 3 gooey population
*the human-gnome project
*The self-aware colon: recycling tanks at every base
*The Phallic Mutagen: +2 growth on society effects table
*The Soprano Factory: -2 drones at all bases with HBO
*the merchant sexchange: "i plan to be erect forever; failing that, a couple hundred years would be acceptable" "Human behaviour is sexy behaviour. The "particulars" may very, but competition for sensual resources remains a constant."
*the whether paradigm: +1 police, +2 with ethical calculus
*The Brevity Vaccine: All communications limited to two words -
"an urgent" "message from" "chairman ceo" "morgan"
*the rural amplifier: farms produce +2 food
*the mural amplifier: 2 less drones in every inner-city
*prosthetic virtues: injured units count 2x police powers
*The Dream Crisper: Unit recovery time halved (due to good resting)
*the game twister: x2 police powers for all units
*the undead refinery: dead units can fight for one turn
*The Chiropractic Matrix: The network backbone builds 3x faster
*The Part-time Control Center: Units sometimes get movement bonus
*The Jammin' Nexus: No drones at this base
*the command solarplexus: allows units to have 2 upgrades
*the command texas: no one messes with you
*The Hanging Gardens - "How the hell did that thing get here?" - Lady Deirde, WTF Is Up With That?
*the theory of anything: no effect
*the lightning paradigm: kills a random enemy unit every turn
*plant matter transmitter: +1 growth (superior fertilizer produciton)
*The Raping Paradigm: "Oh dear God! Why did we build this?"
*the empath mill: empaths produce +1 minerals
*bromide inductor: all citizens are routinely reminded to "just keep partying"
*the superlubricant collider: Labs+50%, Psych+50% at this base - "we just cant get enough of this stuff!"
*The Galvatron Project: All units have -1 sight range ("I'll rip out your optics!" - Galvatron)
*goldenpants78: the virtual girl: the possibilities are limitless
MightyBobX: hehe; i've seen a porno called that
*the virtual whirl: spins
*The Just Super Collider!: +4 talents at this base for ten turns (Yeah, it's cool and all, but the effect wears off)
*The Baby Collider: -2 growth, +1 Phantom, +1 warlock
*the carousel collider: "they'll all burn!"
*The Citizen's Defense Worms: "Wait a minute...these worms aren't the control-bred ones; they're the native ones from the zoo! Oh god!" - Chief Executive in Charge of Worm Control, video footage of the masacre of Morgan Robotics

posted by Cha  # 10:36 PM (0) comments
Friday night, i ought to be hworking, but i've been pretty sleepy all evening, and gaming instead. but now i've turned all the lights on, so while they're waking me up, i'll blog.

"Gamers are everywhere and they're everyone. They are your friends, neighbors, co-workers, relatives, and kids, they lead responsible and caring lives, balancing their enjoyment of interactive entertainment with many other activities important to a well-rounded lifestyle," said Douglas Lowenstein, president of the ESA. "They feed your pets, wash your cars, do your laundry; they guard you while you sleep. DO NOT FUCK WITH THEM"
Seriously though, this article is kinda stupid. they've successfully learned that gamers (one kind of nerd) are often other kinds of nerds as well, such as being in the band, going to church, being highly political, and volunteering. not to mention a lot of them are skinny, as well as fat. can you beweeve it?

Anywya, got drunk for the first time last night, and it is totally sweet. you don't really lose consciousness at all, just everything becomes really delayed, so you get to start enjoying things before you've even realized they've happened. i had a bunch of rum and coke / shots of malibu rum at michelle's, then we went with pat and jon to benihana's and she slipped me anotehr 4 shots of sake. it took me a little while to get down the timing of not talking during other people talking, and to stop mentioning things i was apparently repeating over and over (i was being a bit overanalytical of my condition; i'm such a good geek); so with michelle's aid, i managed not to be obnoxious and really enjoyed myself. had to use jon and michelle to walk straight a few times (jon was even courteous enough to escort me to the restroom), but no harm done. we pretty much agreed that i was being much more articulate (save for a little slurring), and i think it relates to me planning on talking for several seconds before i could actually get around to it, so i was taking more time to choose my words. interestingly enough, there were several spans of time i couldn't remember at the time (i remember mentioning to michelle i couldn't remember driving to santa monica), but this morning i could remember everything fine. i drank a bunch of water when i got home, so no hangover this morning. all in all, no negative consequences and loads of fun. yay for alcohol.

anywya, the light is working wonders, so i'll get going on that hw

posted by Cha  # 9:01 PM (0) comments

Thursday, January 13, 2005


posted by Cha  # 1:20 AM (0) comments

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Hehe, fun night. Jon, Ben, and Harmony drove out to LA to visit Pat and I. we ate dinner at BJ's (with michelle), drove through horrible traffic to get to my apartment, and went to the store to get some snacks. We watched a hilarious episode of MST3k involving samson (the silver masked-man, a mexican wrestler destined to protect the innocent) and vampire women (who employ their own vampire thug/wrestlers who use karate). Then came the best part: for a couple hours we messed around in my room, first throwing the basketball to each other, then doing it one handed, then throwing it with our feet (at this point it's just me and jon), then heading it around the room, then tossing wesley's 30lb dumbell, then punching the basketball. in the process we probably only made enough noise to piss everyone off and broke only one picture and a couple random things aroudn my room, with several misses on the computer and other valuables. it was so sweet. <being a guy is great> <likes seeing his friends>
michelle finally has internet! so now i get to chat with her a bit more, though i'd still like to call her more than i'm used to calling people; me likes talking with her

posted by Cha  # 11:49 PM (0) comments
Courtesy of fuzzy:
"Past the point of if, and when...but still not maybe! And possibly of course not, and oh god no!"
"So do you make me fine cuisine, or do you send him to his grave!" "Why make her cook for you to save me?"

posted by Cha  # 11:48 PM (0) comments

Sunday, January 09, 2005

King of The Hill
hank: <referring to a paddle for spanking students> "but he thinks you're actually going to use it"
peggy: "oh hank, you know me better than that; it's just a bluff; i'm going to scare them with it, just like president reagan scared thousands of millions of russians with his star wars death beam"
hank: <pause> "i miss voting for that man"
hank: "luanne, men aren't always interested in what they say they're interested in. to put it bluntly, they're interested in... something else."
luanne: "you mean sex?"
hank: "uh, no, no, no, no <dissapears around corner, pause, pokes head back out> yes"

posted by Cha  # 3:48 PM (0) comments

Saturday, January 08, 2005

depression => blogging

let's see. vacation was pretty good. started out kinda irritating with my motorcycle accident and trying to get a bunch of things done at once, but it worked out. saw fuddy duddy, got presents for everyone, spent some good time with michelle and we decided to be a couple. the rest was pretty good; more or less non-stop having everyone over either for gaming or movies or tv or just hanging out really late. learned some cards, played a little bball. it was just nice always having friends around. i don't like doing anything by myself. watching tv, playing games, working, it doesn't matter; i like having people to share it with. missed michelle a bunch, but otherwise, things were about perfect.
back to school things haven't been bad. my classes look OK, professors look good. load is a little high (at least for a lazy person like myself), but i'll try and stay on it. other stuff ain't so great. i'm already missing everyone and the stuff we do. this weekend was gonna be pretty great, but the storms cancelled the ski trip michelle and i were gonna go on, and some other stuff has gotten in the way of us spending time together this weekend. so waah waah, i'm all alone. ben's not gonna be online much since he's at home this quarter, and he was my most reliable source of conversation. bleh. that's enough whining for now; though i've always got more if you want it :)

posted by Cha  # 6:42 PM (0) comments

posted by Cha  # 1:18 PM (0) comments

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Burt Rutan, talking about the kinds of activities he's planning for his 8-passenger sub-orbital trips:
"Instead of shoulder harnesses and tight seatbelts we want this roller coaster-type bar that you fold out of the way and you can float around," Rutan said. "We think that's important. If you want the view, we have handles there so you can float over and put your nose right against your own window. Or if you want to pull down your science tray and do whatever you brought along for an experiment, or play with your cat - you have bought the ride, you paid for it. This experience is going to have very few restrictions on what you can do because these payloads are doing it for fun and every person has a different idea of what fun is. Does that mean that some guy and his girl might want to take the whole ship? OK!"

posted by Cha  # 10:13 AM (0) comments


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