Haha, dear christ. A group project by fuzzy, ben, and myself; prolly only jon and alden will appreciate it, possibly (but doubtfully) thayer.
Alpha centauri wonders that never made it to production:
*Theory of Practically Everything: increases labs at this base by 2%, Lose standing with every other faction
"C.E.O. Morgan has an urgent message: 'Practically everything? You suck.'" "your face exists to be insulted; and insulted it shall be"
DrBoskoniFuzz: Hehe...the video for this new theory would be awesome.
DrBoskoniFuzz: It'd be like little creeks...adn small bugs dying...
MightyBobX: it's like a highschooler doing his hw, then someone erasing measurements of a pendulum. someone pulling the hair out of their hairbrush, then some fast-motion mold growing on toast
goldenpants78: all the while funky new-age music plays and swells to a crescendo when some guy walks into a bathroom and closes the door
*xeno-apathy dome: "meh; fungus aint' so great. not bad, jsut not great"
*xeno-sympathy dome: you can talk on the phone with the fungus
*The Under-funded Citizen's Defense Force: Counts as a perimeter defense at every third base; all other cities get raped by mind worms (as is shown graphically in teh video) - "All right...everyone is gathered to defend the- What?...what do you mean teh guns haven't arrived yet?..." - Last transmission from Zolloto Gold
*100th story elevator: allows inner-city insertions anywhere... near your city
*the hunter-gatherer algorithm: increases food production by 1 in all squares at this base
*plans to begin considering some sort of ascendence project construction idea
*The Planetary Transit Vats: New cities start at 3 gooey population
*the human-gnome project
*The self-aware colon: recycling tanks at every base
*The Phallic Mutagen: +2 growth on society effects table
*The Soprano Factory: -2 drones at all bases with HBO
*the merchant sexchange: "i plan to be erect forever; failing that, a couple hundred years would be acceptable" "Human behaviour is sexy behaviour. The "particulars" may very, but competition for sensual resources remains a constant."
*the whether paradigm: +1 police, +2 with ethical calculus
*The Brevity Vaccine: All communications limited to two words -
"an urgent" "message from" "chairman ceo" "morgan"
*the rural amplifier: farms produce +2 food
*the mural amplifier: 2 less drones in every inner-city
*prosthetic virtues: injured units count 2x police powers
*The Dream Crisper: Unit recovery time halved (due to good resting)
*the game twister: x2 police powers for all units
*the undead refinery: dead units can fight for one turn
*The Chiropractic Matrix: The network backbone builds 3x faster
*The Part-time Control Center: Units sometimes get movement bonus
*The Jammin' Nexus: No drones at this base
*the command solarplexus: allows units to have 2 upgrades
*the command texas: no one messes with you
*The Hanging Gardens - "How the hell did that thing get here?" - Lady Deirde,
WTF Is Up With That?
*the theory of anything: no effect
*the lightning paradigm: kills a random enemy unit every turn
*plant matter transmitter: +1 growth (superior fertilizer produciton)
*The Raping Paradigm: "Oh dear God! Why did we build this?"
*the empath mill: empaths produce +1 minerals
*bromide inductor: all citizens are routinely reminded to "just keep partying"
*the superlubricant collider: Labs+50%, Psych+50% at this base - "we just cant get enough of this stuff!"
*The Galvatron Project: All units have -1 sight range ("I'll rip out your optics!" - Galvatron)
*goldenpants78: the virtual girl: the possibilities are limitless
MightyBobX: hehe; i've seen a porno called that
*the virtual whirl: spins
*The Just Super Collider!: +4 talents at this base for ten turns (Yeah, it's cool and all, but the effect wears off)
*The Baby Collider: -2 growth, +1 Phantom, +1 warlock
*the carousel collider: "they'll all burn!"
*The Citizen's Defense Worms: "Wait a minute...these worms aren't the control-bred ones; they're the native ones from the zoo! Oh god!" - Chief Executive in Charge of Worm Control, video footage of the masacre of Morgan Robotics