
MightyBobX Quotage

My history of quotes, because the damn profile is too short

Monday, February 13, 2006

there have been some rather erroneous conclusions made.
first of all, learn to not read between the lines. i say what i say, and mean what i mean. if i say i had a great weekend, then i had a great weekend. it doesn't mean i'm "starry eyed" or "swept off my feet", it means i had a good time. to add more to what i said than what i said is to inject your own feelings into my writing, which is, of course, silly.
secondly, keep in mind context: this is a blog, not a best-selling memoir. my goal is not to write eloquent descriptions of my life that truly let you empathize with my goings on; my goal is to write brief descriptions of what i do with mild commentary so that, if interested, you can then go "hey chad, you did this thing, let me ask about it". thus only mild and yes, even possibly repetitive descriptions are appropriate to such media, and mean only that if you want to know more than things were "good" or "great", you can ask, rather than assume that's all i have to say on the subject.
thirdly, there are apparently some bizarre views of sexuality floating around. guys do more than fart and fight, girls do more than hair and gossip. massages and fancy skin treatments are anything but unmasculine, and if you try and find any objective reason to the contrary, you'll find yourself coming up empty handed. such things are objectively beneficial to human health, male or female. the fact that girls may be typically more into such things than men is also of no consequence: i'm sure girls eat more salads than men do, but clearly eating such things is not a sign of femininity

posted by Cha  # 6:29 AM
hehe, how dare people tease you based on stereotypes or random, unsubstantiated claims. certainly, you would never do such a thing. say, for instance, berating someone constantly for liking anime. maybe my blog needs a tirade too!
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