
MightyBobX Quotage

My history of quotes, because the damn profile is too short

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

(18:12:51) goldenpants78: you know chad
(18:13:07) goldenpants78: if some day you do find that you like the cock
(18:13:15) goldenpants78: and come out of the closet
(18:13:21) goldenpants78: i will still ridicule you mercilessly
(18:13:36) goldenpants78: just so we're clear on this
(18:13:43) MightyBobX: i thought it was clear i already did
(18:14:05) goldenpants78: theres really different levels of clarity at work here
(18:14:18) goldenpants78: like one is foggy clear
(18:14:54) goldenpants78: foggy like the mist of semen in your team showers!
(18:15:31) goldenpants78: man, that joke stretched as far as the back of your throat does
(18:15:54) MightyBobX: hehe
(18:16:13) goldenpants78: and i can keep this gag going as long as you do after you suck your team dry
(18:16:30) MightyBobX: you've got like 8 more to make the record
(18:17:03) goldenpants78: uh...
(18:17:05) goldenpants78: uh...
(18:17:06) goldenpants78: uh...
(18:17:25) goldenpants78: hehe, just you wait
(18:17:30) goldenpants78: youll come back and ill have like 20
(18:19:15) goldenpants78: i guess the joke has gone as sour as the aftertase in your mouth
(18:19:22) MightyBobX: hehe
(18:20:31) goldenpants78: really, continuing this joke is just as hard as... ah i got nothin
(18:21:13) MightyBobX: hehe
(18:21:29) MightyBobX: come on, ben... you gotta fill the space

your mom is so fat she has her own isomorphism group
(12:27:36) MightyBobX: that's not an insult
(12:27:41) MightyBobX: rather
(12:28:07) MightyBobX: a fat mother does not an isomorphism imply
(12:28:24) goldenpants78: shes so big shes only isomorphic to herself
(12:28:35) goldenpants78: no other object in mathematics can match her largeness
(12:29:27) MightyBobX: hehe
(12:29:37) MightyBobX: much better
(12:29:52) goldenpants78: real women have elliptic curves?
(12:30:06) MightyBobX: is that a proposed insult?
(12:30:13) goldenpants78: no
(12:30:15) goldenpants78: just a pun
(12:30:26) MightyBobX: how is it a pun?
(12:30:46) goldenpants78: the same way your face is a pun on the word ugly
(12:30:57) MightyBobX: hehe
(12:31:29) goldenpants78: you might consider such a joke about your beard to be a ....
(12:31:32) goldenpants78: stubble...
(12:31:35) goldenpants78: entendre...
(12:31:38) MightyBobX: hehe
(12:32:54) goldenpants78: you might say that joke stretches as far as your asshole does now that youve joined the rugby team
(12:33:16) MightyBobX: hehe
(12:33:20) MightyBobX: but i've been on it for years
(12:33:40) goldenpants78: um
(12:34:02) goldenpants78: you were not on the team in undergrad, were you?
(12:34:34) MightyBobX: no, this is my second year
(12:34:58) goldenpants78: so in the more linguistic sense that we say one and a half years
(12:35:06) goldenpants78: you were on the rugby team for years
(12:37:17) goldenpants78: a statement that takes as many liberties with time as your team...well, you get the picture
(12:38:16) goldenpants78: its not that i dont like imagining you having gay sex as much as it is that i dont like imagining you having gay sex
(12:38:28) goldenpants78: really im the butt of my own joke, if you catch my drift
(12:39:46) MightyBobX: hehe
(12:40:51) MightyBobX: i like the " " ones. it's like you feel it's that format, then you notice the keyword, and it's like an exciting climax when you get to how it's used in the end
(12:41:54) goldenpants78: thank you for further comparing my jokes about gay sex to me having sex
(12:42:35) MightyBobX: hehe
(12:43:31) goldenpants78: did i mention how much ive come
(12:43:36) goldenpants78: to enjoy our conversations
(12:44:47) goldenpants78: and even now as i am mast
(12:44:53) goldenpants78: erfully planning my next joke
(12:45:41) MightyBobX: hehe
(12:45:59) goldenpants78: i realize that the double entendres have run dry
(12:46:29) goldenpants78: truly a sad day for my diction

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

(16:56:08) MightyBobX: ERROR
(16:56:11) MightyBobX: 3 IS NOT OF TYPE LIST
(16:58:27) drboskonifuzz: tell me about it
(16:58:33) drboskonifuzz: I get that shit all the time
(16:58:59) drboskonifuzz: and I'm not talking about just from lisp, either
(16:59:06) MightyBobX: eating food, talking to girls
(16:59:08) MightyBobX: it's everywhere
(16:59:38) MightyBobX: for christ's sake, the wizards' 18th rule is "always be aware that 3 is not of type list"
(17:00:00) MightyBobX: richard would fall victim to some trap, and blame himself over and over for not remembering the 18th rule
(17:00:13) drboskonifuzz: hehe
(17:00:26) drboskonifuzz: some trap that requires incorrect parameters
(17:00:57) MightyBobX: hehe, i love how the rules are really generic, yet he goes "GAH, WHY DIDN'T I REMEMBER THE RULE". they're practically "don't be dumb", but he goes "gaaah, he used dark magic to take over my brain and threaten those i loved... WHY DIDN'T I REMEMBER TO NOT BE DUMB"
(17:02:12) drboskonifuzz: "Look that way!" "Huh?" "aha! wizard's first rule!"
(17:02:17) MightyBobX: hehe
(17:02:28) drboskonifuzz: "You were afraid of what might be over there, so you looked over there!"
(17:02:33) MightyBobX: hehe
(17:02:43) MightyBobX: they're either really generic or really specific
(17:02:48) MightyBobX: i forget what the specific ones were
(17:02:53) drboskonifuzz: or non-existant
(17:04:40) MightyBobX: "wizard's 24th rule: always attack from the high ground, unless the conditions on the hill are dangerous, then wait for them to come to you, provided your supply lines are strong" "that's how you always win those ww2 strategy games..."
(17:08:18) drboskonifuzz: "Wizard's 16th rule: Richard! Use the knife, now!"
(17:08:24) MightyBobX: hehe
(17:09:45) MightyBobX: "oh god! i stabbed kahlan!" "18th rule: man, totally ignore that last one" "dear spirits... how was i to know?" "19th rule: read all the rules first" "what the FUCK" "20th rule: yeah, seems like that, doesn't it?" "uh, are they just guessing what i was going to say?" "21st rule: haha, yeah, she didn't even know it was wet"

posted by Chad Hansen  # 5:10 PM (0) comments
hehe, a proposed Mississippi law to prevent restaurants from serving fat people: http://billstatus.ls.state.ms.us/documents/2008/html/HB/0200-0299/HB0282IN.htm

posted by Chad Hansen  # 9:11 AM (0) comments


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