
MightyBobX Quotage

My history of quotes, because the damn profile is too short

Sunday, December 26, 2004

MightyBobX (2:01:16 PM): sniff. my mouse died yesterday
Blue Beary Gold (2:01:35 PM): i'm sorry. i didn't know you had a mouse
Blue Beary Gold (2:01:40 PM): what was it's name?
MightyBobX (2:01:40 PM): yeah. since high school
MightyBobX (2:02:27 PM): i loved that mouse. it took me a while to find one that was perfect for me; but this one looked right and fit perfectly in my hand, and was always there when i wanted to play
MightyBobX (2:02:51 PM): low maintenance too; hardly ever misbehaved
Blue Beary Gold (2:03:10 PM): mice are nice
MightyBobX (2:03:24 PM): i wanted to go replace him today, but i figure the stores will be really busy, so i'm waiting till tomorrow
MightyBobX (2:05:19 PM): and best buy is sort of out of the way, so i'll make the trip tomorrow
Blue Beary Gold (2:05:48 PM): you're a jerk

posted by Cha  # 2:05 PM (0) comments
MightyBobX (11:40:29 AM): he's one of the two blind skydivers in america
LazerXero (11:41:39 AM): what happened to the 3rd?!?
MightyBobX (11:41:47 AM): the third?
MightyBobX (11:41:50 AM): oh
MightyBobX (11:41:55 AM): i'm like "3rd of january?"
MightyBobX (11:42:01 AM): "it's still there, trav! don't worry!"

posted by Cha  # 11:41 AM (0) comments

Sunday, December 19, 2004

TheDarkImpLord (5:29:12 PM): okay, so you eat food. then call me, i'll do a jug, and bring new music for you
TheDarkImpLord (5:29:16 PM): because you must listen to it!
MightyBobX (5:29:29 PM): k, have fun doing a jug
TheDarkImpLord (5:29:51 PM): glad i brought this astroglide....
MightyBobX (5:31:42 PM): hehe, eww
TheDarkImpLord (5:32:09 PM): "next on 'typos gone wild'"

posted by Cha  # 5:31 PM (0) comments
MightyBobX (10:47:22 AM): <is a man>
DemonWeasel42 (10:47:49 AM): really?
DemonWeasel42 (10:47:57 AM): for sure this time?

posted by Cha  # 2:29 PM (0) comments

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Yay for being michelle's boyfriend!

Oh yes, and...

posted by Cha  # 5:50 PM (0) comments

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

courtesy of alden, courtesy of jon: http://goldfish.ikaruga.co.uk/logic.html#not

posted by Cha  # 10:11 PM (0) comments

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

"Maybe it's your attitude that needs a bending. A 90 degree bending, to a place where happiness is perpendicular to wonderment!" -Professor Farnsworth, Futurama

posted by Cha  # 11:25 PM (0) comments
DrBoskoniFuzz (5:15:18 PM): "What? You'll take over the farm? Well...okay. But you have 3 years to get the farm up and running, or else you'll have to leave." I remembered these words as I stood over the corpse of the mayor, a hoe splitting open his forehead. I cried and told myself that I had no choice. Welcome to Dark Harvest Moon.
DrBoskoniFuzz (5:16:16 PM): You came to this town seeking a peaceful life and green, verdant fields. Now, all there is is misery and fields of the dead and those who should be dead. All was well...until they came...
DrBoskoniFuzz (5:17:26 PM): It all started on an ordinary morning. You thought the carpenter was coming to greet you...until he started biting your arm off. You managed to fight him off and put him down, but that was only the beginning of your troubles.
DrBoskoniFuzz (5:17:45 PM): Now the hordes of zombies come every night, and you must farm for survival.
DrBoskoniFuzz (5:17:53 PM): Only fresh produce can energize your defense systems.

posted by Cha  # 5:18 PM (0) comments
Gay. So at 11:10 i left to go have lunch with michelle. When i got out onto wilshire blvd., everything was going fine until some dumbass homeless person decides to just wander across the street. the car in front of me brakes hard to not hit the jackass, and i brake hard not to hit the car, and my bike goes down. no one got hit, so everyone just takes off, and the fucking pedestrian just keeps meandering across the street. so my bike was quite fucked up. eventually i got it into neutral and got it out of the street, and wesley came and helped me roll it a few blocks back to the apartment. upon further inspection, damage was actually minimal, but i can't ride it till i get a few new parts. i need to talk it over with the parents, but it looks like i prolly won't even report it to the insurance company; just gotta replace saddlebags, footpeg, and clutch lever. oh, and windshield; dunno much that will be. scraped up my hand a little, and have a big bump above and to thel eft of my left knee, but other than that no battle scars. <does more laundry>

posted by Cha  # 1:09 PM (0) comments

Monday, December 13, 2004

I've received several requests for more quotes. Well... I'm tired. bugger off. Hehe, i guess just a lot of my funny quotes recently have been about esoteric topics, and i haven't been chatting as much since i've been spending so much time with michelle. Who's better than everyone. especially you

posted by Cha  # 1:17 AM (0) comments

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Finally a day warm enough to go to the beach AND it was a weekend AND I wasn't reffing. Had a great time with michelle, enjoying el sunzorz. We were at carbon beach (halfway between santa monica and zuma) and I saw a castle up in the hills; I wanna check that out over break. Hmm, gotta start getting xmas presents.

posted by Cha  # 11:05 PM (0) comments

Thursday, December 09, 2004

DvsGrimReaper713 (10:52:27 PM): hot girl from algebra possibly maybe?
MightyBobX (10:52:47 PM): not that hot, but moderately witty
DvsGrimReaper713 (10:53:08 PM): witty as in... she has nice boobs?
DvsGrimReaper713 (10:53:12 PM): i dont understand what youre trying to say
DvsGrimReaper713 (10:53:15 PM): is she hot or not?!?!?!
MightyBobX (10:54:31 PM): professor: "how many elements are there in the ring Z-n? if we examine the 7 distinct classes, we see there are an infinite number of them. i will now write them out"
lisa: "an infinite number of them?"
chad: "haha, nice tits"

posted by Cha  # 10:53 PM (0) comments

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

So monday I told sara I didn't want to have lunch with her anymore. We'd been having lunch regularly since we share the same lunch break. She asked why, and i said i haven't been enjoying our time together, and she asked why, and i said i don't like being with her. she wasn't too pleased. i wasn't overly concerned with hurting her; in fact, it was an ancillary goal. after we broke up, i was feeling resigned for a little while, then i did more thinking and started becoming very, very angry with her. and it's been growing, and that's what's been making me hate all the time we spent together. it's been literally impossible for me to even imagine having a good time with her around; i simply could not imagine it. so i was very much a fan of hurting the hell out of her, to show her that i didn't think it was ok the way she treated me, etc.; i was so stoked: i'd formulated my thoughts and gone over the arguments in my head, and i was so right and self-righteous and vindictive. so she IMed me that night, and we started talking. i consciously made the effort not to be nice; not as in i'd saymean things just to say them, but i wouldn't temper a question with niceties; i'd just get to the point, and if i didn't believe her or if i had a problem, i'd just say it in as blunt a way as possible. and it worked; we hit lots of new ground. it's a long convo, and here's what we learned: we didn't break up for the reasons i thought we did; 1) we're just romantically incompatible; we have different views on how people should act together, and 2) i made some mistakes in dealing with her, and she made some mistakes in dealing with me, and she let my mistakes build up until she was sick of me. why was she sick of me, you ask? well, because i'm not the hot shit i thought i was. i got her to tell me important things she didn't like about me, and things she liked better about gary. this is all very good, because the problem i'd had which was disturbing me so much was that somehow i'd done everything as best as i could and no matter how good i was i still lost her; but, in fact, i had problems and crap and it makes sense that things went awry. i'd also been upset that, even sans romance, she'd seemingly abandoned me. but her actions had been colored in my mind by my anger, and when given a chance to defend herself, she did so spectacularly.
so in summary, i'm a big jackass. i didn't handle my relationship well, i didn't end my relationship well, and i attempted to end my friendship with her as best i could based on false assumptions and unwarranted conclusions. not only that, but i discovered that i'm not all things to all (rational) people, and that i'm pretty freaking lame in some ways. but all this is good: it syncs up very well with events and some subtle (and some not so subtle) emotional observations i've made, and therefore replaces my hatred for existence with merely the feeling you get when you fucked up a midterm; yeah, it sucks, and you're mad at yourself for doing it; but you know why it happened, and there's nothing you can do about it now, and you know that, should you change the things that made it happen, it'll go better next time. it's the difference between existing in a malevolent universe and just screwing up once. so in spite of all the self abasement i'm writing, i feel pretty good.
but anyway, last night sara and i were IMing and such and i was just getting more and more worked up, but in a very confusing way because she was categorically refuting everything i was saying and i could feel a big fat "everything you've been thinking for a month is wrong" about to come crash down on me. so our IM ended with her saying what i prolly just needed was time to heal and need space (blah blah, all the shit i thought i was better than but clearly am not), and i ended with "we'll see" then i played some war3 to cool off. but within 20 minutes i'd sort of assimilated everything i've been saying,a nd was feeling much much better towards her. so i IMed her today and told her what i'd learned, but also that i didn't want to see her before winter break, since i'm clearly unstable and don't know what to do with myself, and wouldn't want this newfound contentment to be another fluctuation in my mood and then to fuck things up with her again. so gonna give myself a little while to make sure this all checks out.

posted by Cha  # 8:48 PM (0) comments
goldenpants78 (9:30:26 AM): have you seen that wow keyboard? it has buttons for the game. so that you dont have to use hotkeys
goldenpants78 (9:31:05 AM): it was part of some deal. anyway, they should have aim keyboard. you could have buttons for lol and omg and wtf and brb
goldenpants78 (9:33:23 AM): hehe, those poor english teachers will be like "no, children! dont use the keyboards! you must tell people you are laughing! 'lol' is not a word!"

goldenpants78 (9:39:10 AM): nah, what would truly be a breakthrough in instant messaging would be technology that appropriately punctuates your messages based on your brain chemistry at the time
goldenpants78 (9:40:01 AM): what does punctuation have to do with brain chemistry you ask? just bear with me
goldenpants78 (9:42:07 AM): eventually we'd just directly link your brain chemistry to each other with an appropriate interface, so people would be like "She's hawt!" and their friends would be like "Man, he thinks she's hawt." and he'd reply "Shutup, Lol." all in the span of a few microseconds. this is all, of course, leading to some sort of interconnected telepathic ascent to TranscendAIM (tm), a business plan i feel will be quite profitable

posted by Cha  # 9:39 AM (0) comments

Sunday, December 05, 2004

And if there's one thing I learned from seeing the movie Closer last night, it's that it's immensely funny when british people say "epic tits".

posted by Cha  # 9:38 AM (0) comments
So today i woke up at 6:30 in order to ride my motorcycle 40 minutes to san pedro in the wind and rain so that i could get there to find out my first center referee for a division 2 men's league soccer game was rained out. when i got off the freeway in san pedro i felt weird because even though iw as stopped, i still felt like i was going over bumps; that's because my legs were shaking so hard i was sort of bouncing in my seat. when i got back to my appartment, i reached into my saddlebag to get the remote, and i was bugged because i couldn't find it; then i realized i couldn't find anything because my hand was numb and i couldn't feel my skin. i spent that last 45 minutes in a very hot shower, which, curiously enough, sometimes felt very cold instead of very hot, but both of them felt very good, so i'm actually kind of curious as to whether it was just a cold-skin-and-hot-water thing or if my shower was actually being cold sometimes. and that's all i have to say on the topic of today's refereeing attempt.

posted by Cha  # 9:25 AM (0) comments
Hehe, there's this objectivist dating service called "the atlasphere", and there's a story about a girl who met her future husband there; when they married she changed her name to "Honor Reason <whatever her husband's last name is>"

posted by Cha  # 7:20 AM (0) comments

Saturday, December 04, 2004

Feelin' pretty good. Been chatting with people online (notably, Ben, who always puts me in a good mood), been receiving compliments left and right from my female friends. Had some snags, like how I'm apparently supposed to referee tomorrow, but that won't be happening, as I'm going to see Les Miz with sara and Michelle. Anywya, had dinner with michelle, then maggie came over later and we watched a great gilmore girls episode and thanksgiving's CSI. Hehe, got a couple hugs from maggie, no trivial reward, as she's not exactly a physical person. But she's had a hard couple of days, and needed some comforting. I started to do some big survey for princeton or something about life at UCLA, but the whole goddamned thing was about racial crap and diversity, so i abandoned it halfway through. I hope they email me again to ask why i haven't filled it out, or better yet, why i stopped filling it out.
<still likes Michelle>

posted by Cha  # 1:03 AM (0) comments

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Lol: i've started getting spam emails from people with "mighty" in the sender's name, and i noticed this one from pskimightybev@yahoo.com. the names amuse me, but even better was the subject line "incipient anus". and because that wasn't funny enough, the actual email is about buying cheap prescription drugs from canada.

posted by Cha  # 10:03 AM (0) comments

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

guh. i'm kinda pissed off. there was a ton of traffic on the way home, my fucking front brakes are acting up again, my internet still sucks and i can't fucking find this week's gmg episode, and no one's online. i just wish i could come home to a friend or something, instead of an empty apartment with the pile of dishes wesley didn't do and the computer i can't do anything with.

posted by Cha  # 5:37 PM (0) comments


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